Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)

PA01 TEN DUNKIRK CN.Y.) EVENING OBSEBVEB. "WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1948 PERSONALS and Mrs. Lester A. Oral returned from their wedding and are tit home in Taft and Mr? Province smd daughter, Peggy. fivtti this morning from New Yofit eiljf and are guests of Mr.

MM. Watte? itayne in Wash- intfoft Miss fteattor Tittey ot Frank- tin avenue has i-eSufried home ttt- Visit With (fiends in Niagara fftfe Miss LitlUtrt Kuht, manager of the Newton Memorial hospital tit Casiadaga, is critically HI sit the W. C. A. hospital in Jamestown.

she uticienvent sit opera- Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A.

Begier and NtWtit* Club Mr. and Melville H. Mort- loh entertained of i bridge club at dinner. evening at their home in fourth street. Prize:) at bridge were awarded Allen B.

Putnam lind Albert Hueckert. Altar GntM Miss Vloln Helbel was hostess Monday evening to the Altar Guild of St. John's Episcopn church at her home in Centra avenue. A business session was held, and during the btackoui the members lUtened to the radio address of Dean Pardue of St. Paul's cathedral In Buffalo, the hostess served refreshments dictated by Mrs.

Leslie Chard. Zonla Club A meeting of the sen. ftcmatd. have returned to! Bunklrk-rredonia Zonta club Eiieir heme in Rome. a be held Thursday evening set-era davs tt'fth Mr.

I 'hi home ot the president, Mrs. Graezykowski! Sadie Pcrham, in East Main street, iT- Mlapah Ctaiw PVt. Donald E. Oeibiiei' has re- turned to his station in Cotorndo Ma 0 11 his tflfa and child-' la th Methodist church rtn hii "parents. Mr.

and VM hcl l' -5 UMd 3 cvenin a i home of Mrs. Sherman H. Epler in East Sixth street. Mrs. Robert Webb led devotions on the theme, "The School of Life." Mrs.

Charles Mead presided at a business session, Mrs, George Mrs. Joseph il Roberts road. Geibner in tn'atit avenue, frttl Mr. and Mrs. Henry filtey in franklin avetiue.

Strj. Joseph Kapecki of York city is visiting ties' (laugh( 5eC, Miss fiUa Kopeefd, She is ti Lttdwlg Was. chairman ot enter- fi.ifc«{ She home of and talnmcttt, and the Peter Oorka in East which served refreshments wan sfreef. i Composed of: Miss Lois Darbce, I ifrs. John Ludcs.

Mrs. Arthur The dondUioii of Charles Outlo! Dolling, Mrs. Walter Bloor, Mrs. Lifieotn avenue, who is Elvira Johnson. The thirty members patient ftt Brooks hospital, i improved.

present Mrs. Kart Etequtrnfjourji 'Vvest Maift street. FfedonUi. was elected the following class ottto- CM for the coming year: President, Mrs. Grover Parker; vice he guest Dunkirk nt 4ltlcnt Uraiumakor; She has just returned' 0: lm llrs George Ludwlg: spending the winter i William P.

Meyers, while hunting in the and ehiblted several ikins which he had bagged. Seonten Roundtable Boy Scout Executive Hazen A. Ron ol Mayville and Commissioner William Barone of Dunkirk presided a meeting of scout leaden held the evening ol May 10 at the Fredonia firemen's Others present were: William Cook. Harry Webster. Williwm Stock.

George Aldrich. Wil- McClenathan, Hay Waxson of Nashville, Leonard Homan of Forestvitle. The group discussed problems of various troops. Another of these monthly meetings will be held June 8, following supper at Camp Gross. IHlMlonary To Speak James McCaUum, who served cs a missionary to China under the Disciples of Christ, will speak Friday evening at 7 o'clock at Ihe Church of Christ in Central avenue.

The public is invited to Tear the address. Preceding Mr. McCallum's talk. will be a tureen supper at o'clock, in charge of the Women's Missionary society of the church. street.

The evening wai speti playing cards. were award ed Mrs. Arthur Woelfle, Mrs. Jo seih Langehstein, TlUey. The bride was showered with iety of gifts.

PLANT, TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEES ADDRESSED BY REGIONAL OPA HEADS C. D. Canavah and Harry Elliott from Buffalo Office Spoke Tuesday. Mothers' Clnb St. Mary's Mothers' club will licet Thursday evening at 8 o-clock in the school hall.

The ennua'l election of officers will ake place. Mrs. Robert Roach will read a paper on "Religion the Home." PMTICS D. Canavan and Harry Elliott of the Buffalo office of the OPA addressed 30 representatives of the various war plant transportation committees in the Dunkirk area at the offices of the Dunkirk Rationing board Tuesday evening. Both men pointed out the necessity of war --vorkei's getting to work on schedule and the necessity of the share-riding program in the interests of conserving rubber and gasoline.

The unity which must exist be- the Dunkirk board and the plant transportation committees was also stressed by the Buffalo spokesmen. They cautioned members of the committee to report to the local board any men who have been discharged from their respective plants and who are thus no longer eligible to receive supplemental gasoline allotments. Miss For Bride-Elect Mary Atlamski, whose M't 308. Calif, Sidnev. Riverside.

I Rotary Club Dr. Eugene A. Foley was pro- i f. i am chairman at the weekly firt ot Buffalo i luncheon meeting of the Dunkirk i Rotary club held Tuesday at Bar- tw House. He introduced the- il i Rev.

Emit Mcnwl, superintendent Mand. of he Dl Conference grounds, who spoke on tiger See "City and Vi- Hunting in India. Mr. Mcnzel told some ot his own eperietices marriage to John Pencek will take )laee May 22, was the guest of onor at a party given recently by Irs. Walter Adamski and Mrs.

inthony Slawinski at the former's home in South Gazelle street. Miss Adamski was showered with gifts. For Recent Bride Mrs. Angelina Kemp entertained Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. Carl Binger, who was Miss Mary Ann Feser before her recent marriage.

The fifty guests were members of the Women's Auxiliary ot the Knights of St. John, and the party was held at the commandery hall in Rugglaa ENGAGEMENTS QUANTITY OF RED CROSS IRK REPORTED IN AREA The Rev. Lucian W. Scott Elected Chairman At Annual Meeting of Chapter. Northern Chautauqua chapter of the American Red Cross is now more completely, and efficiently organized through its branches ever before, it was reported at the annual meeting held Tues- WEDDINGS Sikora-RaJakt The marriage of Miss Mildred Rajski, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Michael Rajska ot Bucknor street, to Pvt. John J. Sikora, son ot Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Sikora of Mqf- fatt street, took place the morning of 10 at St. Heclwig's church. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Carl F. Drews.

A reception was held at the bride's home, and the soldier and his bride lelt lor a short trip. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, chose a satin gown, trimmed with lace. Her tulle veil was arranged in a crown of beaded orange blossoms, and she carried a spray of calla lilies. Miss Ethel Rajski, sister of the bride, was her only attendant. She wore yellow net trimmed with talfeta.

The best man was Michael Tofil. Erb-Lonffhouse Mr. and Mrs. Howard Longhouse of Cassadaga are issuing invita- to the. marriage of their daughter, Gertrude Marjorie, to oxswain Lawrence Erb, U.S.N., son of Mrs.

Florence Erb of Albany, formerly of Mayiville. Trie wedding will take place May 14 at the home of the bride. BIRTHS Raclna-Sinare Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sinare nf Greenbush have announced the engagement of then daughter, Lucy Anita, to Dominic Anthony Racinn, son of Mr.

anc Mrs. Anthony Racina of 107 Deei street, Dunkirk. 20,000 TO 30,000 AXIS TROOPS LOST LAST CAMPAIGN FOR THOSE SPECIAL Magical fragrance to enchant him on his furlough. They will also beguile vou with their loveliness- charm you with their usefulness. Cologne and powder sets beautifully boxes to form a marvel- combination and perfumes that whisper I love you.

I Powder Sett by Dorothy Gray, Old Spiet and Garden $3 Cobra and Tabu Perfumes for your finiihing touches, BUY A BOND TODAY FOR VICTORY 'BIG' LITTLE EVENINGS There's exciting ronnd of ay parties and events ahead live up to the moment dress as your soldier bean love, ro see you in uUa feniin ine evening gown. See our entire collection of i and evening gowns- i conveniently priced. Sizes .14 to 20, 17 mid 38 40. 9.98-$10.98 In Heart Warming Fabrici CREPE SHEEK DOTTED SWISS SILK JERSEY SIDEVS Dunkirk Allied Headquarters, North Africa, May 12 --(UP)-- Unofficial but reliable sources estimated today that from 20,000 to 30,000 Axis troops were killed or wounded or managed to escape from Tunisia in the final phase of the Allied offensive. The number who escaped was said to be" very small.

On the basis of best information, the Axis started the final campaign with about 180.000 troops. About 100,000 have been taken prisoner. About 30,000 were believed trapped a small pocket About 20,000 to 30,000 others still resisting west of Bou Ficha. scattered on Cap Bon, are sur rendering or being mopped rapidly. Sheridan Br Mn.

A. F. UcLnnii Calendar Tea The annual Calendar tea of th Saturday Study club will be hei at the home of Mrs. H. Walta Wollemon on Saturday afternoon May.

15. A luncheon will be served at one o'clock. The hostes will be assisted by Mrs. Harle G. Miner, Mrs.

Donald Aldric and Miss Jessamine Aldrich. Th program will include the follow ing: Roll "My Choice of th Year's Fiction," entertainment the officers and "Worthwhile Fie tion of the Year," Miss Mabel Aid rich. The for the comin year will be presented by th' new president, Mrs. Odell Lin berg. This is the closing meeting for the year.

Lakeside Community Clnb Lakeside Community club will meet with Mrs. Eben Macum ber on Friday afternoon, May 14 at two thirty o'clock. Mrs. Pan yieth will give paper on "Famous Women. Light refreshments will be served at the close of the program.

to Wey West PFC Ward Harrison left this morning for Key. West, Florida where he is stationed in the Naval Reserve, after spending a ten day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Harrison.

Newly Elected Trustees The following trustees were elected in the several school districts in the Town of Sheridan on last Tuesday evening: District No 1, Mrs. George Nyhart; No. 2, Mrs J. E. McGee; No.

3, Albert Fancher; No. 4, Consolidated with Forestville Central school; No 5 Sydney E. Aldrich; No. 6, No trustee elected; No. 7, Mrs.

Henry Niebel; No. 8, Kenneth and No. 9, Mrs. Nelson Bartlett. Missionary Society The Maple Aivenue Missionary society will meet with Mrs.

Joseph F. Meyers Thursday evening May 13, at eight o'clock. Mrs! Walter Hanna will have charge of the Light refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting. This will be the last meeting of the year, which will resumed in the fall. Boston, England, now has a government community restaurant in the court room of the old Guildhall where the Pilgrim I Fathers were tried in 1608.

KEY. LUCIAN SCOTT day afterno'on in the council chamber of the Dunkirk city hall. Officers for the coming year were elected unanimously after being proposed by Joseph Rubenstein, chairman of the nominating committee. They are: Chairman, the Rev. Lucian W.

Scott of Dunkirk; vice chairman, Mrs. William J. Sullivan of Dunkirk; secretary, Mrs. William Starr of Stockton; treasurer, Harvey Beebe of Dunkirk. Annual reports were made by the executive secretary, Miss Irma Stanfiefd, by Mr.

Scott, who served as chairman after the death ol Hetbert Douglas Fredonia, and chairmen of the standing committees. Mr. Scott announced that Mrs. CHve E. Hallenbeck, production chairman, and Miss Leah Phillips, secretary of Fredonia branch, have received recognition, from the national organization for their many years of volunteer service to the Red Cross.

Joseph Rubenstein, chairman of he War Fund campaign, reported a total of $50,621.30 from chapter. Clifford C. Cain, chairman of blood bank, reported a total of pints of blood given in the Northern Chautauqua area during the past year. "This means that about ten barrels of blood have been shipped from this area to saVe the lives of men in 'our fighting forces," he said. Miss Lillias Watson, captain the motor corps, reported that there are 20 active and qualified members of the corps.

Mrs. H. K. Williams Jr. reported that 950 kit bags, given, to soldiers who leave for overseas duty, have been sent from the chapter.

Karl Hoeppner, first aid chairman, reported that 872 persons have been taught and certified in Red Cross first aid courses, in addition to 1,000 civilian defense volunteers who have taken a 10- hour course. The report of Mrs. Harold T. Smith nutrition and canteen chairman, slated that 56 Dunkirk women and 37 Fredonia women have completed canteen courses, and are assisting in school lunch projects and at the Brooks hospital. Mrs.

Hallenbeck reported in detail the thousands of knitted and sewed garments which have been shipped from here for the armed forces and for civilian refugees. Miss Margaret MacLeod, surgical dressings chairman, told of work rooms established by several iranch.es, said that 151,200 lave been shipped, and a more are ready for shipment. An average of 502 persons monthly are making surgical dressings. Mrs. John F.

Foss reported on nurses' aides classes, estab- ished this year. Two groups have been graduated, and a third is in rammg. Mrs. Claire U. Walker, iome service chairman, said her committee has 18 volunteer workers, who have investigated 757 ases.

The work has grown so ex- ensively that a paid secretary, Airs. Reber Whitney, has been em- loyed. A daughter, Kathryn Louise, born May 6 at the hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Proper of 749 Deer street.

A daughter, Susan Mae, 'was born May 4 at Ihe hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Kubasik of 435 Bucknor street. A son, Holland Harvey, was I born May 3 at the hospital to Mr. and Mrs.

Edison R. Blodgett of 33 Canadaway street, Fredonia. --Advertising pays both buyer I seller. It's a tost to ft, obligations when you WQ), tired in fhe, morning--when yog all night in bed instead of rettful sleep. Let uj'jugg es NYAL SEDATIVE COMPOUND It nervousness due to worry or excit em calms emotional upsets, promotes restful j.

Large size A A I GILL WILL PHARMACY 413 MAIN STREET DUNKIRK, IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALTH THIS IS THE PLACE TO GET YOUR VEGETABLE PLANTS AND -FLOWERING PLANTS FOR YOUR GARDEN STOCK UP NOW! HIDES BROTHERS OF tMis Cc sjcath Srid Jeven Members P. f. fl End of Lincoln Are. Phone 2645 TWO for the price of ONE CENT! Monroe's DRUG STORES Occasionally we offer i of the items advertised at prices lower chin reeuhr list prices, burst no time do i we offer this such prices is now! Somcsojps, rhco'alr specials, ir.d a few ether by tr items arc not on the One Cent Saie plan, but priced extremely low duri 14,19 VENTS TWJ4HT The Kiwanis club will present lubinoff and his violin in cori ert at the Dunkirk High school' uditonum at 8:15 p. m.

The West Green street Community club will meet at. the home Mr. and Mrs. Britton Lane in obin street. Classes in food preservation wiil held at 7:30 p.

at School 8 Bentorr street and School 7 in ake Shore Drive, East. The Junior Women's Guild of he Presbyterian, church will meet Westminster hall. --OBSERVER advertising en bles you to keep abreast of chane- mg marketi on front I WE ARE I OUR -to continue Rexall's policy of giving you the Besr Values in Town. likewise, we have done our best to carefully prepare our stocks to meer your needs. Possibly a few items may not be available on ever)' day of our One Cent Sale due ro the imposition of restrictions, the unavailability of materials and other reasons over which we have no control.

Read the Ads Before Going Shopping.

Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

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