How to Find Your Credit Card Account Number | Chase (2024)

The simplest way to find your credit card account number is to look at your card. The card number contains the account number. However, it's important to note that these sequences of digits are not interchangeable. Your account number is distinct from your card number.

In this article, we'll answer:

  • Where is your credit card account number located?
  • How do you get your account number from your credit card?
  • Is a credit card number the same as the account number?
  • Can you find your credit card number without your card?

Where is your credit card account number located?

You can find the account number anywhere you can find your card number. Besides your physical card, you can usually find your card number on billing statements and in your profile online or in your bank's mobile app.

Your credit card account number by itself usually isn't available for you to view. This helps protect your information. For instance, your billing statement may have your credit card number but won't isolate your account number.

How do you get your account number from your credit card?

You can get your credit card numbers in just a few steps. Most often, a credit card number is 16 digits but can be up to 21. The number tends to be embossed on the front or back of your physical card for easy reference. To get your account number, follow these steps:

  1. The first number identifies the industry and credit card network (Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover).
  2. The next 5 numbers are known as the bank identification number (BIN) or issuer identification number (IIN). You guessed it: This identifies your credit card's issuer.
  3. The next 8 to 12 numbers will pinpoint your unique credit card account.
  4. The final digit of your card number, called a check digit, authenticates your specific card.

All cardholders, including authorized users, are generally connected to the same credit card account. Therefore, the account number is often the same for every cardholder even though the card numbers tend to differ.

Is a credit card account number the same as the card number?

A credit card number may contain the account number, but they aren't the same, nor can they be used interchangeably. While knowing a credit card account number may be helpful, you'll use it very rarely.

Transactions at stores and online, for instance, do not rely on account numbers. Your credit card number is exclusively used to conduct purchases.

Most transactions and bills you'll pay for with your credit card use the full card number, not the account number. Card details like the expiration date and security code might also be required, typically for online purchases. One example of when you might need the actual account number is to submit a balance transfer from one credit card to another.

Can you find your credit card account number without your card?

More often than not, the places that will have your account number will include it as part of the full card number. You may have to take the steps above to isolate your 9-to-12-digit account number. Here's where to look:

  • Billing statement: Print or digital copies may have your credit card number. Sign in to your online banking portal or mobile banking app to view a billing statement.
  • Digital wallet: When you've linked your credit card to a digital wallet, it may store your card number; if so, you can view it there.
  • Web browsers: Many browsers will ask your permission to store a credit card number after you enter it for an online purchase. This way, the browser can autofill the card information for future purchases. If you've previously stored this information, you should be able to access your card number. For your security, storing credit card information within your browser is not recommended.
  • Payment services: In some cases, a payment service may have stored your credit card's information. If so, you might be able to view your card number by logging in.
  • Customer service: Your credit card company may be happy to provide your credit card account number. When requesting this over the phone, you'll have to verify your identity, likely using personal information and perhaps a recent transaction amount.


Your credit card account number may be part of your account number, but the two aren't interchangeable. You'll probably use your credit card information far more often than you'll use the account number.

Most account numbers consist of the digits that remain after you remove the first 6 and the final digit from your card number. If you don't have your physical card, you can usually find your card number on your billing statement and digital account portal. Other options include apps, sites or digital wallets that store your credit card information.

How to Find Your Credit Card Account Number | Chase (2024)


How to Find Your Credit Card Account Number | Chase? ›

You can find the account number

account number
A bank account number is a unique set of digits assigned to the account when you open a bank account. Financial institutions will assign such numbers to each account you hold. Businesses and banks use these numbers to identify your account. › basics › bank-account-number
anywhere you can find your card number. Besides your physical card, you can usually find your card number on billing statements and in your profile online or in your bank's mobile app. Your credit card account number by itself usually isn't available for you to view.

Is credit card account number the same as card number? ›

The number on your credit card is different from your account number, although the two are linked. For example, if your credit card is lost or stolen, you'll receive a new card with a different credit card number. But the account number will stay the same.

How to see full account number on Chase website? ›

Find your routing and account number by signing in to and choosing the last four digits of the account number that appears above your account information. You can then choose, 'See full account number' next to your account name and a box will open to display your bank account number and routing number.

What is the account number linked to a credit card? ›

This is often referred to as the 'long number' on the front of your credit card, which is usually 16 digits, but can be up to 19 digits in some instances. More formally, it's known as a Permanent Account Number, or 'PAN'.

How do I find all my credit card accounts? ›

Pulling your credit report and credit score is the most accurate and convenient way to find all of the accounts that have been reported in your name. Your credit report will display every open account in your name, from bank accounts to credit cards and more.

Where is the account number on a card? ›

Most banks also print the bank account number on the front or back of your bank card. However, this is not to be confused with the card number, which is the 16 digit number, usually placed in the middle of your bank card.

How do I find my account number? ›

How Do You Find Out Your Account Number? You can find your bank account number on your bank statements, printed at the bottom of a paper check, or by logging on to the bank's website. If you can't find it in these ways, try visiting a bank branch in person.

Which is the bank account number in a credit card? ›

The term primary account number refers to a 14-, 15-, 16-, or even up to 19-digit number that serves as a unique identifier on credit cards, debit cards, and other types of payment cards. Also known as a payment card number, it is typically either embossed or laser-printed on the front of the card.

What is the account number on a credit card statement? ›

Credit cards do not have account numbers. The long credit card number on the front is the number to use for your credit card account and this is the number you need to use to make payments or to contact your bank.

Can I see my full account number online? ›

Internet Banking: For bank account number search, log in to the net banking portal of your bank. The Bank account number will be there on the homepage of your net banking portal. Passbook: The passbook that you get from a bank, is another place where you can find your bank account number.

Can I see my full card info on Chase app? ›

Many banking websites and apps include the entire card number in online account statements. In the Chase App, for instance, you can access your card number by requesting an online credit card statement. The statement typically presents your full credit card number in the gray area titled Account Summary.

Do credit cards have account numbers and sort codes? ›

On a credit card, your account number is included as part of the long credit card number. On a debit card, it's shown as a separate number. These aren't a feature of credit cards, but you'll see sort codes on debit cards, sitting alongside the account number.

How do I see my credit card account number? ›

The simplest way to find your credit card account number is to look at your card. The card number contains the account number. However, it's important to note that these sequences of digits are not interchangeable.

Does a credit card have an account number and routing number? ›

Since credit cards don't pull money directly from your bank, they don't use routing numbers. However, credit card companies do need specific information to process transactions, such as your credit card account number and the identity of your card issuer. This information is contained in the credit card number.

How do I find my Capital One credit card account number? ›

Sign in to the Capital One Mobile app (Text “MOBILE” to 80101 for a link to download) Select the account you need the routing and account number for. Scroll down to the 'Account Details' section. Tap 'View All' to locate your Account Number and Routing Number.

Where can I find my full account number Capital One credit card? ›

Via the mobile app: Sign in to the Capital One mobile app for iOS or Android. Select the account you need the account number for and tap on the “Account Details” section. Then, tap “View All” to locate your account number.

How do I find my 16 digit debit card number without a card? ›

Find your bank's customer service phone number on their website or on your monthly statement. Call the number and follow the instructions or talk to a representative. Answer questions to verify your identity. Ask for your 16-digit debit card number.

What credit card has a 16 digit account number? ›

It's typically 16 digits in length, often appearing in sets of four, and it's used to identify both the credit card issuer and the card itself. Credit card numbers aren't randomly assigned; they're coded to identify the issuer, the network, the account, and the unique card, all in an effort to prevent theft and fraud.

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