Destiny 2 - Gyro only on ADS (2024)

Shared by Cake-6
- 19 Nov 2023 15:15


# Configuration for Destiny 2 using aim mode# Cake-6# (Any line that starts with # is ignored by JoyShockMapper)# First, reset to defaults so we don't have to set values we don't care aboutRESET_MAPPINGS# Calibrate. Flick stick relies on good calibration; gyro and stick sens make more sens with it, tooREAL_WORLD_CALIBRATION = 152.16IN_GAME_SENS = 15# Please set IN_GAME_SENS to your in game mouse speed setting whenever you change it# NOTE: i tried to mimic the default controller layout and feel as much as possible / menus are controlled with the right stick and switching tabs with the left stick / switching subcategories is still using the dpad just like regular controller# GYRO ONLY ACTIVATES WHEN YOU AIM DOWN SIGHTS IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO GET RID OF THAT DELETE GYRO_OFF AND GYRO_ON COMMANDS# DUE TO HOW DESTINY 2 WORKS, YOU WILL NOT GET CONTROLLER AIM ASSIST AND RETICLE FRICTION BENEFITS YOU WILL ALSO BE MATCHED WITH MOUSE AND KEYBOARD PLAYERS# the following legends are reference legends please refer to each respective controller type txt files in gyroconfigs folder# Playstation Button Legend: N = triangle / E = Circle / S = Cross / W = Square# Nintendo Button Legend: N = X / E = A / S = B / W = Y# Xbox Button Legend: N = Y / E = B / S = A / W = X # Standard Xbox controllers do not have gyro fyi# Button mappingsGYRO_OFF = RIGHT_STICK # Disable gyro while aiming with stickLLEFT = ALRIGHT = DLUP = WLDOWN = SLEFT = LEFT # Emote 1RIGHT = RIGHT # Emote 2UP = UP O # Emote 3 / Exit to orbit when ghost is pulled and button is heldDOWN = DOWN # Emote 4ZL = RMOUSE # AimZR = LMOUSE # Shoot GYRO_ON = ZL # Turn on gyro when aiming down sights L = Q # GrenadeR = C # Auto MeleeL+R = F # Super / this is also your dismantle button btwE,E = V # Class Ability / Stasis Breakout / Note that now you have to double press to do rift and barricade instead of hold pressN = ` # Switch Weapons / Hold for Heavy;this hold function is through the game itself and not joyshockmapperW = R E # Reload / hold to use; pickup items pick heavy etcW+R = R # hold both buttons for alternate fire mode for weapons such as hardlight, izanagi's burden, etc.. this is just a compromise unfortunately due to the W button being very populatedE = LCONTROL # Crouch S = SPACE # JumpR3 = G # Finisher / Player HighlightL3 = LSHIFT # Sprint+ = F1 ESC # Tap to pull up Inventory / Hold for Menu- = TAB # Pull out Ghost# Note that i set air move ability to be Lcontrol through cvars.xml if you do not know how to set that up please look up a cvars keybindings video# Additionally you will have to go into the game's settings and set sparrow dodge buttons if you don't like double tapping the stick to the left and right# there are a few quirks that you will have to adjust yourself such as tank weapon fire and sword light and heavy attacks# Please see below for additional _3dmouse.txt settings you will have to replace the text inside _3dmouse.txt with the following feel free to change values as you like# Aim settings# Gyro sens of 1 means you'll turn the same amount in game as in the real world# MIN_GYRO_SENS = 1# MAX_GYRO_SENS = 2# Gyro thresholds are in degrees per second# MIN_GYRO_THRESHOLD = 0# MAX_GYRO_THRESHOLD = 120# Stick sensitivity is in degrees per second# STICK_SENS = 270# MOUSELIKE_FACTOR = 270 # STICK_POWER = 1# STICK_ACCELERATION_RATE = 1# STICK_ACCELERATION_CAP = 1000000.0# RIGHT_STICK_MODE = AIM# Include mouse settingsGyroConfigs/_3Dmouse.txt

these notes are the same ones included in the txt file above

i tried to mimic the default controller layout and feel as much as possible / menus are controlled with the right stick and switching tabs with the left stick / switching subcategories is still using the dpad just like regular controller.

- gyro only activates when you aim down sights if you would like to get rid of that delete GYRO_OFF and GYRO_ON commands

- due to how destiny 2 works you will not get controller aim assist and reticle friction benefits you will also be matched with mouse and keyboard players

- Note that I set air move ability to be Lcontrol through cvars.xml if you do not know how to set that up, please look up a cvars keybindings video.
Additionally, you will have to go into the game's settings and set sparrow dodge buttons if you don't like double tapping the stick to the left and right.

- there are a few quirks that you will have to adjust yourself such as tank weapon fire and sword light and heavy attacks

Using JoyShockMapper configurations is easy once you know how. If you haven't used it before, check out the guide. For using a community config like this one, you only need to get through the first two sections — Installing JSM and Using an already-made configuration file.

Just copy the above configuration into a text file, change the IN_GAME_SENS to match your in-game settings, and then drag that file into JoyShockMapper and hit Enter to use it right away. Some games have their own limitations with certain controllers or require some extra setup, so make sure to check for any notes near top of the main Destiny 2 page.

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Destiny 2 - Gyro only on ADS (2024)


Is gyro aiming worth it? ›

Gryo aiming is much faster and more precise than aiming with analogue sticks. It bridges the significant gap that exists between controllers and mouse control, and gives console gamers a level of precision that can't be achieved with traditional control options.

When should gyro aiming be active? ›

Scope Only: Gyro active only when aiming scoped weapons. Scope or Aiming: Gyro active when aiming any weapon. Scope, Aiming, Harvesting: Gyro active when aiming any weapon or swinging your Harvesting Tool. Always: Gyro active whether or not you're aiming a weapon or swinging your Harvesting Tool.

What was the first game to have gyro aiming? ›

History. In 2015, Nintendo released Splatoon, a third-person shooter where gyro aiming is the primary method of input.

Is gyro better than ads? ›

Try the gyro sensitivity once because that is want the pro(s) use. It can be difficult to master and the sensitivity adjustment may take some time to cope with, but it is best while controlling your spray and kick your quick reaction faster.

Is gyro more accurate than mouse? ›

I think gyro is almost as capable as a mouse, but not better. There are some things it does better like tracking due to its lack of friction, but struggles with steady aim also due to that lack of friction.

What is Flick Stick aiming? ›

Flick-stick is a camera system where your camera instantly points in the direction you push the stick in. Think of something like RE7's quick turn button, but on the right stick and applied in every direction you push the stick; or imagine a top down shooter like Hotline Miami, but in first or third person.

Can Xbox use gyro aim? ›

Microsoft also has a new Xbox controller on the way with an accelerometer inside for gyro support. It will be launched later this year and ship with the Xbox Series X / S refresh consoles.

Is gyro good for aiming? ›

It works great. Made things so much simpler in games like BotW. You can aim at the enemy like normal, then use the gyro to fine tune for a headshot. Gyro Aiming is that setting that when it's defaulted on, you think your controllers broken.

Which games support gyro aiming? ›

NOTE: The following list is incomplete.
  • 1-2-Switch (various)
  • ARMS (motion)
  • Call of Juarez: Gunslinger.
  • Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (cursor, wheel-spinning)
  • Crysis Remastered.
  • DOOM (Switch)
  • Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (shaking)
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Aiming)

Does Destiny 2 have Aim Assist? ›

What is referred to as the “Aim Assist Cone”, represented by the purple triangle and circle in the following graphics. Shows how far the bullet can deflect away from center to hit a target that is within Aim Assist's effective distance. Diameter is increased as the Aim Assist stat is increased.

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