The Daily Register from Harrisburg, Illinois (2024)

The Doily Register, Horrisburg, Illinois I Page Six Friday, 24, 1957 News From LEDFORD By Bailie Waltx Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson and Mrs, Rebecca Thompson of Harrisburg visited Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson.

Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Morris visited Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Saturday night Pupils of West Ledford school visited Thursday evening the home of their teacher, Mrs. Mag- cie Walls.

Mrs. Walls has a huce collection of paper weights from many states and foreign countries of which the children enjoyed, They were then taken to her new home that is bcins built in the, 1 treS THE UIGH AND M.TEV-Match. v.Iih refreshments at the Dairy! ing poses are the tallest and small- Que-n. Chaperones for the group i cs participants in the Helldorado Agatha Colbert, a Festival at Las Vegas, Nev. Bcrniece Maddox and Hallie! Providing a pretty picture frame for Shannon Beesley is Vegas Vic, a mere seven-footer.

and Mr.v Louie Slncklm i iiddaughlcr, C'herjl, Mr 7 I'nov and Norman Go? Sunday with Mr. and Mr.v CLASS MEETING I Mrs Herncicc Maddox and Mrs le VoUi Vila Sunday school' r-Ilic Waltz visited Moirlay night cla or Ledford" Baptist Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hector. church held its monthly meeting irs.

Rector has been on thc sick Tuesday. M.IV 12. at the home of for some time. I)or an Mrs. Virginia Yatcs Mr.

and Mrs. Raleigh Smith and led the class in prayer, and Mrs. sons, Timmy and David, were din- Vargo gave the devotions. Plans ner guests Wednesday of Mr. and "'ere made for their monthly mis- Mrs.

Bob Vargo. thc occuMon was for celebrating Mike Vargo's Refreshments of barbecued ham- birthday. burgers, potato chips and soft i were served to Ann McGill, xt AI an ock ston of Mr an(! Wilma Hav and daughters. Patty Hanco*ck, is a palienl a Susan Virginia Ircne THE CARRIER MILLS REGISTER spending his at his home ning, 7:00. Lodford.

SOCIAL BRETHREN CARRIER MILLS Elmer Grlilum, Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Worship service first and third Saturday night and Sunday at 10:45 a. m. Bible broadcast Sunday 4:30 p.

m. Young people's meeting Sunday 0 p. m. a meeting Wednesday night. THE CHURCH OF GOD Friend and Harrison Streets Rev.

John Culllns, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30. Morning Worship. 10:30. Sunday Evening Service, 7:30. SALEM BAPTIST Sunday School, 9:30.

Worship, 10:30. Evening Worship, 7:00. Prayer Meeting Thursda Eve- CARRIER MILLS METHODIST Cari S. Davis, minister Sunday school 9:30 a. field Thomas, supt.

Morning worship 10:30. Junior Fellowship 6:30 p. m. Youth Fellowship 6:30 p. m.

Evening worship 7:30. Prayer service Wednesday ,7:30 p. m. STONEFORT SEVENTH DAY BAPTIST Carlos McSparin, pastor Sabbath school 10 a. m.

Saturday. Worship service 11 a. m. Tt I a i I I A A I 1 I in Doctors Hospital a I and hos es Doris Vargo dale, where he underwent surf orv last week for appendicitis. class teacher, Mrs.

Nell Hanco*ck. Paul Belts, who is employed at The ncxt meeting will be held the state hospital in Elgin, i a the home of Ann McGill. Memorial Day-Thursday, May 30th Artificial Wreaths Sprays, and Baskets $1.00 and up Bring Your Prescription to Harris Your Drug Store for over SO years PHARMACISTS A I MILLS ILLINOIS is best proved by deeds. Why do Americans have more than SSO billion in savings deposited in banks? Because safety for deposits is thc bank's first concern because so many other financial sen-ices are available under thc same roof because thc bank offers savings aids and experienced counsel to help depositors get ahead; and because banked savings earn money for thc depositor without his having to invest. Truly, America's banks have proved to 73 1 million people so far that "the bank is thc saver's best WHY NOT START BUILDING YOUR SAVINGS BACKLOG AT OUR BANK NEXT PAYDAY? THE EGYPTIAN STATE BANK Carrier Mills, Illinois DEPOSITORS INSURANCE UP TO $10,000.00 CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE C.

A. Cronk, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship, 10:30 a. m.

N.Y.P.S., 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service, 7 p. m. If you can enjoy an hour of special singing, come to "Singing 1 Prayer i Wednesday, 7:00 p.

m. NEW CASTLE BAPTIST W. W. Hunsaker, pastor Sunday School, 9:30 t.m Earl Overstrcet, superintendent Morning worship, 10:45. Evening Service.

7:00 p. m. Prayer Service, Wednesday 7 p. m. BARBER CHAPEL A.

M. E. CHURCH Rev. R. S.

Everett, Paitor Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 t. m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p.

m. STONEFORT METHODIST Carl S. Dtris, pastor Sunday school 9:30 a. Garfield Thomas, supt. Sunday worship 10:30 a.

m. and 7 p. m. Y. F.

and Junior Fellowship 6 p. Prayer service Wednesday 7 p. m. Choir practict Wednesday 8 p. m.

STONEFORT BAPTIST Rev. George Smith Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m.

Evening Worship 7:30 p. m. Training Union 6:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7:30 m.

PROVIDENCE CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. E. A. Thien, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.

Sun day School Clarence Ad ams. Morning Worship, 10:45 t. m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p. m.

CARRIER MILLS BAPTIST H. Waters, Interim pastor Sunday school 9:30 a. Ed ward Bell, supt Morning worship 10:30, Training Union 6 p. m. Evening preaching 7.

Wednesday 6:15 p. m. teacher's meeting; 7 p. prayer meeting 8 p. m.

singing. PALESTINF SOCIAL BRETHREN Harry Carr, pastor Sunday school 10 a. Donald Pankey, supt. Worship service second and fourth Saturday 7 p. Sunday at this church and in addition to regular services listed above, Jiere will be a basket dinner at noon and a Communion service at 2 p.

m. STONEFORT GENERAL Gco. Dougherty, pastor Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning worship 10:30.

Stonefort Register Mrs. AJvio Nicholson. Correspondent Mrs. Loudena Craig was a and Mrs. Wesley McSparin.

ticnt in the Marion Memorial Hos-i Mr. 'and Mrs. Junior Thornton pital over the week end. Those was the supper guests of Mr. and who visited her there were Mr.

I Mrs. Webster Hall Sunday night, and Mrs. Corlis McCormick and Later, they were joined by Mr. sons, Mr. and Mrs.

Dow Deaton and Mrs. Bob Cobb. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kennedy, and Laverne, Mr.

and Mrs. Elbert George, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Craig, Mr. and Mrs.

Junior Thornton, Mrs. Pearl Blackman, Edd Blackman, Mrs. Blanche Reid" and Mr. Reverend and Mrs. Stockton, Mrs.

Edward Appel all enjoyed an out- Blanche Reid and Mr. Joyce Mar tin. Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Barger spent Sunday with his sister, Mr.

and Charles Fuiluwcii autl family. In the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Barger and Mrs. Followell visited Mrs.

Nancy Allen in Eldorado. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evetts and Saturday is Homecoming Day 'Mr. and Mrs.

Glen Evetts and ing at Belle Smith Springs Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Hall made a business trip to Paducah, Tuesday. I A BY PAT FLVNN Harrowing Experience By Girls Organizing Young Women's Auxiliary and GA Rita Ryan, Marlt Wiley.

along with the mothers, Juanita Campbell, Bertha Ryan, Ethel Beavers -and Louise Hanold. Four of the five Harrisburg girls who came to Carrier Mills Miriam Circle Meets Tuesday night to organize Baptist With Ida Nolen Young Women's Auxiliary and The Miriam circle of the Metho- Cirls Auxiliary units at the First sl 5 3. met Tuesday Baptist church, had a most bar- morning. May 21, at the home of rowing experience during the jja Xolen. The meeting was storm which hit Harrisburg.

opened by singing "The Old Rug. Neii Pace veiled her ib-, in the group were Miss Jud get! ter, Airs. Ethel Richerson, Mon-1 Baker, Miss Judy Franks, Miss Prayer was given by Gertie Rus- day night. Diana CasS( Miss Joan Priest jsell and Essie Motsinger. The de- Mrs.

Eva Reeder and son. and Miss Alice Nell Bean. After votions were by Iilda Hitchco*ck, dim iii A tT 11 visited Saturday evening with Miss Baker who was driving her and the lesson was by Ada Hollo- and Mrs Alvin Nirhnlcnn i --1 A A A Mice way. Her topic Was India. daughters spent Sunday with their daughter and sister, Mr.

and Mrs. Delmar Roland and son, Rich- Herrin. Mrs. Billy Teal of near Harrisburg visited Monday night and Mrs. Alvin Nicholson.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Furlong, Mr.

and Mrs. George Lewis and family, Mr. father's car, had delivered Miss Cass home, they started down south Main street in Harrisburg. to swing over to McKinlcy. and Her topic was "India." Refreshments were served to with Mr.

and Mrs. Claud Teal and carior McSparin and on South Main mi Mr and automob.le was flood! ed and they had to wade and family Mrs. Jo Gilchrist, Mrs. Nellie Yocum, Mrs. Judy Smith, Mrs.

Helen Walker and Mrs. Winnie Ethel Richerson visited Mr. and Saturday and Sunday evening (Craig shopped in Evansville this I eek. i Phillip Dale Stafford of Harrisburg visited Phillip Dale Richer son Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7 p.

m. SOUTH AMERICA BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Pearl Orr, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45, Everett 'atton Superintendent. Worship Service, 2nd and 4th Sunday. Prayer Meeting, 7:00 p.

in. Wednesday, Juanita Rodoc- Juanita Schwartz, Mary Tanner, Mary Bar- Mary Gibbs, Gertis Russell, Holloway, Essie Mojsinger, Hitchco*ck, by the hostess, vim to safety. Ida Nolen. Walter Furlone last week Their crios for vcre hear(! Thc ncxt meeting-is to be held Marv CorbettT visited Satur Mrs Mnrion Harlow 70 Soilth at thc home of Juanita Campbell with Mrs. Virginia, in trccl wh too June 18.

and wrnnpcd them in blankets Mr and Mrs Phil Craic and ftcr lhe had rcmoved their Dorcas Class Meets With Mr. and Mrs. Phil Craig and clothing Thcy soent tho remain Schwartl A i. A Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Evetts i Cral with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. dcr of thc ni ht in hcr home The Dorcas class of the Carrier Incidentally the dresses they Methodist church met at the CHURCH OF GOD North Main Street Rev. W. P.

Million, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a. Elmer Martin, Supt. Morning Worship a. m. Evangelistic service 7:30 p.

m. Y.P.E. Saturday, 7:00 p. m. Cressie McNew, president.

Wednesday, Officers and Teachers Meeting. 6 p. m. Prayer Service, 7:00 p. m.

GALILEE BAPTIST Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Jesse Cofield, Superintendent. Morning Worship, 11 a. m.

Evening Worship, 7:30. Prayer Meeting 7:30. Missionary Society meets Wednesday, 1:30 p. m. Usher Board meets Thursday, 7:30 m.

GALILEE BAPTIST W. H. Hughes. Pastor Sunday school 9:30 m. Bro, Jesse Cofield, supt.

Worship service 2:30 p. m. Mission circle 1 p. at the church. Prayer service 7:30 p.

m. Senior choir rehearsal 7:30 p. m. Thursday. Senior choir fry at the church 3 p.

m. Saturday. Public invited. Revival now at the church with Rev, W. H.

Hughes preaching. The public is invited to attend. visited his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nicholson, Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Willie Craig and children enjoyed a fish fry day with Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Smith of Carrier Mills.

Others there were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gilchrist and son of Carrier Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Osburn of New Jersey.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Purccll of Johnston City and Mr. and Mrs. A.

Appel spent Sunday -with Mr: and Mrs. Ralph Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Trammell and son of Marion visited last week with Mr.

and Mrs. Willie Craig and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos McSparin and children spent Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. Earl Edmondson were wearing were old fashioned horac of Mrs. Juanita Schwartz, visited Mr. and i son Friday night Mr. and Mrs.

Wihard Corbett visited a short while with Mr. and i at thc church in Carrier Mills, "The Lord's Prayer." Mrs. Olive Mrs. Vernell Deaton and son. The girls appeared no worse Wed- 1 Davis was the devotional leader.

Mrs. Alvin Nichol- costumes, borrowed to use in giy- Wednesday evening. May 20. t. ing a pageant depicting the his-1 'fhe meeting was opened by si smg- tory of YWA at the meeting held ns the class song, followed by Mr.

and Mrs. J. D. McCarty of Harrisburg visited Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Evetts Wednesday. Mrs. Edna Glaski of Louis, who spent the past week with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Paul WhiUock, returned to her home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brush visited Tuesday evening with the latter's uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nicholson.

Others who visited Sunday evening were Mr. Lloyd Nicholson of Carrier Mills and Mrs. Iris Thornton and Mrs. Velma Hall. Dykersburg News By Edith Dunaway Mr.

and Mrs. Victor Killman did some papering for Mrs. Naomi Sturam, Tuesday, They all had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Logan Dunaway.

Miss Wilma McSparin helped her sister, Mrs. Violet Jane Sims, paper Wednesday. Troy and Gary Nolen, who have resided in Marion for the past several months, have returned CREAL SPRINGS 1 By H. L. MOTSINGER nesday from their muddy baptism, but they were much cha- She used as her theme, "A Good Treasure of the Heart" with ref- grincd and embarrassed by the ercnces from the writing of Grace fact that they had soiled and pos- x.

Rowland, and scriptural refer- sibly damaged their borrowed cos- ences from Ephcsians and Mat- tumcs. More distressing was the thew. Mrs. Davis closed the per- John Trcecc of Downey, is spending a two vacation here with' his son, Gene, and sister, Mrsi Boyd Chamness The following spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Sam Taylor in Creal Springs: Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wooley and children, Linda Stilley and Sharon McClusky, all of Harrisburg: Mrs. Mamard Robinson and Vickie Lynn of St. Louis; Mr.

and Mrs. Harvey Belts Jr children of Charleston, and Harvey Belts of Creal Springs. Miss Melva Rilcy of Vienna was an enjoyable visitor with friends here Sunday. Mrs. Maxine Gallagher of Olney was the guest of her brother, Jess Freese, in Creal Springs Saturday and Sunday.

She was accompanied by Mrs. Ethel Holmes of Olney. Rev. and Mrs. Hobart Peterson of Marion visited Mr.

and Mrs. Murry Luster and attended the homecoming at Indian a church Sunday. Miss Palsy McSparin has been 111 for several days. Mr. and Mrs.

'Logan Dunaway visited Reverend and Mrs. William Partain Friday evening. home for the summer. Thev were visited Saturday by Mr, and Mrs JUNIOR CLASS OF INDIAN Ezra Carter of near Crab Orchard. TM Mrs.

Ethel Tanner visited her CAMP ENJOY WIENER ROAST The Juniors of the Indian Camp i guest of home folks. attended the Centennial celebration in Dongola Saturday where fact that the Baker car was submerged and ruined. Mrs. George Henson, Carrier Mills Baptist W. M.

U. president, said that the people there were much concerned for the safety of the girls when the terrible storm broke shortly after they left for Harrisburg. Elected to head the missionary auxiliaries in Carrier Mills were the following: YWA Nina Davidson, president, Betsy Ammon, secretary treasurer; G. A. Lorna Dallas, president and Elaine Starkey, secretary treasurer.

Their leader is Mrs. Frank Edmundson. Past Matrons Club Meets At Masonic Temple The Past Matrons club of Carrier Mills held its regular meeting they also visited with their son. and a dinner at 12:30, at the Ma- Mrs. Elizabeth Stanley a sonic Temple with Stella Vance grandson, Bobbie Gene Duclos, of St.

Louis spent the week visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. M. L. Turner.

and Helen O'Keefe serving as hostesses. Prayer was led by Grace Henson. After the business meeting, Mr. and Mrs. John McNeeiy a were enjoyed by the group.

Bloomfield were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Fern Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kulge and two children, also her mother, Mrs. Mary Brandt, all of Golconda, were visiting with Mrs. Herman Walker Sunday.

Morse Dempsey of Chicago spent Those attending were Myrtle Jones, Blossom Stalions, Carrie Wasson, Muriel Thomas, Aline Sullins, Madge Blackman, Zelphia Blackman, Marie Spears, Grace Henson. Nola Monroe, Helen Capel, Ethel Rann, Oma Baker, Mabel Chamness, Zadia Holmes, Sunday as guest of his mother, Xline Keel, Ada Holloway, and Mrs. Maggie Dempsey. Mr. and Mrs.

Kellcy Evans and daughter, Saundra, of Murphysboro were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Freman Davis, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Jackson visited with Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Blake in Carterville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Moroni and son, Ronnie, accompanied by Mrs.

Laura Perry, visited her folks in Johnston City Saturday. Rev. Bill Cox of Blandville, the hostesses. Stella Vance and Helen O'Keefe. Woman's Society of Christian Service Holds Farewell Party iod with prayer.

Presiding during the business meeting was Juanita Rodocker. Mrs. Rodocker appointed mittee consisting of Marge Davis, Sceva Rodocker. and Ada Holloway, to make inquiries concerning a used refrigerator for the church kitchen. It was decided to meet for class parties at 7:30 during the summer months.

Cora Wiley and Juanita Rodocker were entertainment hostesses for the evening, and prizes awarded to Mary Venita Beggs, Essie Motsinger, Dorothy MeCaf- ferty, and Pansy Black. Refreshments were served by hostesses, Juanita Schwartz, Pansy Black, and Dorothy Gowins, to Clara Edwards, Blossom Stalions, Narene Parsons, Maxine Daris, Juanita Campbell, Cora 'Wiley, Pansy Black, Ada Holloway. Mary Venita 43eggs, Alice Wallace, Norma Shreffler, Essie Motsinger, Juanita Rodocker, Ida Nolen, Olive Davis, Dorothy McCafferty, and Gertie Russell. Three guests, Martha Porter. Carolyn and Marie ey, were also present Gayette Club Meets With Carolyn Capel The Gayette club held its regular meeting Friday, May 17, at the home of Carolyn Capel.

Due to Norma Pyle, former treasurer of the club, leaving Carrier Mills, Geraldine former vice-president, withdrawing membership, an election of offi- cers was held to fill the vacancies. Dana Overstreet was elected The Woman's Society of Chris-i present, and Carolyn Capel was tian Service of the Carrier Mills, elected treasurer. Methodist church held a farewell coffee in honor of Wilma Gulledge at the church Thursday morning, May 16. Those present were Bertha brother. Mr.

and Mrs. Logan Dun-1 Sunday school enjoyed a wiener II a. m. and 7 away, Tuesday evening. roast Friday night at the home! CREAL SPRINGS RIDING Prayer meeting Wednesday 7 Mr, and Mrs.

Richard Burns a of Miss Pauline McSparin, who is CLUB MAKING PROGRESS p. m. ST. FRANCIS DE SALE CATHOLIC MISSION Stonefort, Illinois Rev. Glenon Early Mass on 2nd and 4th Sundays.

8 a. m. Late Mass on 1st. 3rd and oth Sundays, 10 m. daughter, Mildred, visited Sunday assistant teacher of the class, with Mrs.

Burns' sister, Mr. and! Games were played and refresh- Mrs. Allen Graves, of Marion. ments of hot dogs, pop and marsh- Mr, and Mrs. Logan Dunaway, mallows were enjoyed by Donna Judy Powell was welcomed a new member, and Dana Overstreet has returned and is once again a member.

Games were enjoyed and prizes were won by Jackie King. Dana Overstreet, and Phoebe Holmes. Greta Hill won thc door prize. Refreshments were served to Mary Lou Shelton, Edna Dunn, Delia Ryan, Carrie Edmondson, Kathleen Bynum. Greta Hill.

Dana Pansy Black, Juanita Schwartz, Overstreet. and guests, Jackie Johnny Wilkins. Sue Wilkins, King, Phoebe Holmes, and Janet i Nolen" Ada Holloway, Mary Tan-; Graves, by the hostess, Carolyn visited with friends in Creal i Malhews. Mabel Milligan, Olive Springs Sunday and preached in; 0 Mar Barger, Essie Mot- the forenoon services at the First singer. Vivian Reeder, Helen Rus- Baptist church.

sell. Paula Russell Judy Fife, Melvin McGuire ot Chicago Freda Moake, Sccva Rodocker, spent Saturday and Sunday a a i Davis CIara Edwards, The Creal Springs Riding club. Jwanita Campbell, Juanita, Capel. now entering its third year, is Rodocker and the honored, i a making much progress as an or-! Gulledge. ganization for the youth.

visited their son Mr. and Mrs. i Jean McSparin, Paula Sue Sturam, I The club is chartered at Spring-; Ie(i se with a gift. Oather Dunaway, and Betty June Sims, Delores Killman, field. 111., and registered with the --7 Carol Ann and Janis Lea, Thurs- William Carney Doughty, Sammy Williamson county clerk in Marion! Intermediate Missionary Girls day night.

Donna Jean stayed all night Friday with Paula Sue Sturam. Tanner, Carrol Douglas Turner through Attorney" Ralph W. Har- Picnic at Dixon Springs Daryll Duke, a visitor, Kenny ris. Cantrcll, Mrs. Regina Duke, class; Officers of the club are as fol- Charlcs Stricklin and The group presented'Mrs.

Gul- Gamelta Reineking Marry Rev. and Mrs. Louie Stricklin of Harrisburg Route 2 are announcing thc marriage of their son, Charles Stricklin. and Garnetta Miss Ruby McSparin, who is cm- teacher, J. W.

Duke, church pas lows: Intermediate the Methodist i joyed a picnic at Dixon Springs ATTENTION FOR SALE Extra! Holland Baler Twine --the best that money can buy! Fertilizer, Any Analysis. See me for price. Hontko Rotary Mowers 0. G. TURNAGE Your Friendly Ferguson Dealer Foot of Ledford Hill on State Route 45 Harrisburg 111.

ployed by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fries'lor, and the hostess, Pauline Mc-j Ralph Jones, president; Paul, Saturday. May 18. of Marion, spent the week end at Sparin.

Two members of the class, Jerry Bailey and Monty Stricklin, were absent. HOMECOMING SERVICES HELD AT INDIAN CAMP well, Harold Tanner. Rich and Dennis Homecoming services at the In- Approximately 25 horses are dian Camp church Sunday in the activities which fca-1 well attended. Thc morning lures such entertainment as i ices were under the direction of races, barret races, keg races, home. Those who enjoyed a fish fry Sunday evening with Mr.

and Mrs. On cl Lee Stricklin and sons, Monty and Johnny, Mr. and.Mrs, Laverne Bailey and children. Terry Wayne 1 Jerry Duanc, Sandra Kay and Kevin, and Reverend and Mrs. Gene Allen and Garry, Sharon and Kay, of Junction.

Rev. and Mrs. William Partain visited their daughter. Mrs. Helen Vineyard, of Harrisburg Friday.

Mrs. Partain suffered a broken arm recently and -is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Devol Motsinger visited Mr.

and Mrs. Logan Dunaway Monday night. Mrs. Alma McSparin and daughter, Pauline, visited Mrs. Ada McSparin and daughters, Wilma and Ruby, Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sturam and daughter, Paula Sue, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Sturam, of Harco Thursday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Brownie Turner visited his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner, of Carrier Mills, given by the Messengers Quartette I the CraH Orchard grade school, i Tcusday.

of Sikcston, a testimonial Hrr teacher is Mrs. hH Me- I Mr. and Mrs. Archie Staudacher was held. JAnclIy.

Youngblood, vice president, Frederick Bensley, secretary-treasurer: and a committee composed of i Louis Beaflcy, Wm. Ray Black-j Those enjoyed the Edna p. m. Thc double ring ceremony was erc performed by the Justice of Peace. rJev- Davis, i attcnd nts werc Mr Campbell Jud Rvan the pastor.

Rev. W. Duke, and "The Lord's Supper" was observed. A bountiful dinner was served at the noon hour. In the afternoon, Rev.

Bill Cox of Blandville, delivered the sermon. Tom Cavitt of Creal Springs sang "When They Ring the Golden Little Marsha Duke, age three years, of Sikcston. sang "Jesus Loves Larry Fcrroll of Carrier Mills sang a solo 4 It Took A Miracle of Love and pick-up races, shovel races, etc. The club will entertain with a horse show, in the Williamson county fairground at Marion May 26. beginning at 10 a.

A pony! class show will also be demonstrated. I CRAB ORCHARD GIRL FIRST AT STATE Miss Myrna Brush, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Brush near! Crab Orchard, RFD 2, Marion, won; a first rating in thc state solo con- 1 VfeVcfjayj: and a trio composed of test on her flat comet in the, Misses Shirley and Donna Bennett contest held at Mattoon. was and Chrisline Brown of Harrisburg, sang several numbers.

They accompanied by Miss Regina Hill, piano superior winner at Carbon- were accompanied by Christine on dale. the guitar. Several numbers were i a'6th grade pupil in PLAN TO HOME TO A NON-VETERAN WHO ASSUME V0UR 61 MORT6A6E; CHKK WITH VA RRST TO LEARN IP THE BUYER IS EU6IBU TO ASSUME YOUR LIABILITY, TOO. '-tit i A AUMIMMKATIO.N Mr.v Claud Sisk of Mr.v Stricklin uas thc manager of the Quality Cleaners of Melro- polis before accepting employment as a seamstress in the curtain department at the Manteno State Hospital. Mr.

Stricklin is employed as cook at the hospital. After thc honeymoon of visiting relatives and friends, they returned to their home at 100 Barnard Road in Junior Fellowship Hast Party at Church May 13 A party was held by the Junior Fellowship of the Carrier Mills Methodist Church Monday, May 13, in thc church basem*nt. Games were played und freshmcnts of ice cream bars and pop were served to Ella Jane Fort, Mary Lynn Black, Kay and Tommy Davis, Dinah and Wayne Rodocker. Jimmy and Johnny Barger, Mickey Schrcffler, Carolyn Wiley, Paul and Cletus Davia, Mrs. Mary Barger and Rev.

tnd Mrs. Carl Davis, 8.

The Daily Register from Harrisburg, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

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