The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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10-A THE MIAMI HERALD Sunday Fb 13 1944 Government Indicates Nation May Quit War Soon Finnish Peace Talks With Soviets Anticipated Diplomatic Pressure From Allies Big Factor By The Associated Press STOCKHOLM Feb 12 Prospects Increased Saturday that Finland may quit the war soon while she still has time to get out by negotiation The Finnish government the moment is considering every possible way of finding the road to said a source in close touch with developments Possibly significant was the arrival here of Dr Juhu Ktisti Paasi-kivi who has been mentioned as one of best possibilities for dealing with Moscow lie made the Finnish-Russian peace of March 1940 first coming to Stockholm then going secretly to Moscow Later he served as minister to the Kremlin on the Russian Insistence DIRECT CONTACT SEEN Helsinki dispatches said the Finnish capital was buzzing with talk of peace and that there was a general feeling the government soon would seek direct contact with Moscow (Even German quarters as quoted in Madrid expressed doubts that Finland long could oppose influence' and pressure of Allied A dispatch from Zurich to the British Reuters agency said the Finns already had outlined peace views to Berlin) The Finns are confronted by diplomatic jfr ensure from the United States and renewed air attack by the Russians who Saturday declared they were ready to strike concerted blows against every major port In Finland fob lowing their powerful raids on Helsinki and Kotka Nazis To Exchange Diplomats Americans Captured In France Invasion By Tbt AimbUd Fre WASHINGTON Feb American diplomatic officials and others who were trapped in France when the Germans swept oer the formerly unoccupied area are to be returned home under an arrangement disclosed bv the state depart- ment Saturday night They are to be exchanged for some German consular officials picked up In North Africa and Italy members of France's former diplomatic staffs in this country and some non-official Germans Included with the returning American diplomats will be certain newspaper correspondents relief workers and some South American officials all of whom have been held in Germany since early 1913 GRIPS HOLM TO BK USED The Swedish motorship Grips-hoim is to be the medium of exchange to be tarried out at Lisbon late this month The state department did not d-clo-te how many persons or who will be involved in the exchange About 140 Americans including 3 Tinkney charge d'affaires were caught when the Germans completed their occupation of France For a time they were interned at Lourdes France Presumably the Vichy diplomat returning to France include Ambassador Gaston Henry-Haje Charles Brousse press representative and friend of Henry-Haje and Councillor of Embassy George Bertrand-Vigne Among the newspapermen who have boon Interned since Nov 19(2 are Tailor Henry Melvin Most James King and Philip Whitcomb all of The Associated Pres Ralph Heinzen and Herbert King of the United Tress Insing War-ren of The New York Time? David Darrah of The Chicago Tribune and Arno Dosch-Fleurot of the Christian Science Monitor In a letter to The Associated Press written in January 1943 Henry said 137 Americans including embassy newspaper Red Cros and Quaker relief groups had been transferred to Baden-Baden Germany uheie they were living comfortably In a hotel VALENTINE GIRL for Army Air Forces Training center No 1 at Miami Beach Babs Beckwith cover girl will appear in the GI revue at Flamingo park at 7:45 tonight and Monday Photos by Homer Rhode Jr THOSE DAINTY PLUMES which almost caused the annihilation of Florida's egrets are visible on three of the birds shown here A fight is brewing between the two at top because' the egret at right has just alighted at spot already staked out by a comrade Passers-by frequently see a long-legged long-necked egret standing alert for minnows in shallow water like the bird in right inset Women Urged To Speed Tempo of Bond Sales MrS Stevens reported that Mana Zucca Lawrence Schwab and Mrs Moore have quUified for the legion of Honor ly selling rO bonds cad) The rilotdub South Miami Woman's dill) Miami Roach Garden duo and the Miami Beach Inn have either met or passed their quotas Mrs Stevens icported Bond salas for the entire state total $87400000 or 72 per cent of the goal of $121900000 in the fourth war loan drive Director Kahl Lehmann of the state war finance committee reported Saturday at Jacksonville Tampa-Hillsborough and Dyval county lagged with sales of only $11415000 toward a quota of $2')-115000 On the other side of the picture Orange county oversubscribed a $1148000 quota by $1500000 be said and 15 other counties have gone over the top National sales totaled $12964000-000 through Friday or 93 per cent of the $14000000000 goal the treasury announced Saturday An appeal to the more than 310 Dade county organizations to redouble efforts to sell a $100 war bond for each of the 27210 Dade count Inns in the armed services came Saturday from Mr Stevens head of the division in the Fourth War Loan drive readied the halfway mark" Mrs Stevens said wc must redouble our efforts and see Dade war bond sales for the Fourth War Bond drive reached $22361426 Saturday with only two days to go to reach the quota of $27S0o200 to it that each man in the services from this county receives a certificate telling him that he has been remembered by the purchase of a Mrs Stevens said that the climax of the campaign will come on Feb 22 when a service flag parade and rally will be held in Bayfront park A progress report must be filed by Tuesday she said 12 Florida Men Die In Jap Prisons Florida soldiers known to be dead in Japanese prison camps were listed in a telegram received Saturday by McEarchern state chairman of the war finance committee from' Ted Gamble Washington national director as follows: Corp James Beasley Mulberry SSgt Ernest Leggett Orlando Pfc Eldon I Lowery Lakeland Corp Ellis Mcllale Jacksonville Sgt Thaddeus Fadgetle West Palm Beach Pvt Henry Gallagher 560 Ninth st Miami Sgt Emil Mav Vernon Pfc Ralph Mixson Ocala Pvt Robert Fish Fort Lauderdale 1st Lt Jack A Gillon Sanford MSgt 'Lucien Guilfoyle 314 26th ter Miami- Pfc Albert Roberts 769 16th st- Miami The following soldiers are listed as prisoners: Pvt Clyde Hillhouse White Springs Pfc Silas Legrow Tampa Pvt Eugene Quinn Inverness Pvt Charles Seavvright Cocoa Pvt Francis Smith Fort Meade Pfc Harding Stutts Pi-netta The following civilians are interned by the Japanese: Clark Winter Tark Charles Dandois St Petersburg VV Guillott Pensacola Gunn Warrington A Kalkow-sky 3734 Justison rd Coconut Grove Elsie Luckman DeLand Joseph Naftaly Fort Charles Villar Pensacola Ford Wilkins Babson Park War Chest Contributors Are Listed $6000 Donation Is Made By Power Firm The following contributions to the Dade County War Chest of $23 or over were announced by campaign leaders: fc'iOOA TO Florida Power Light Co 6000 SI OIK) lO -WIH AAF Redistribution No 2 1221 68: United States Army AAFTC No 1 (personnel! Sllba 31 Automatic Totalizators Inc 1-000: Coconut Grove Bakery 1000 $300 TO $000 United States Navy (personnel) $783 82 Hut Brothers Inc 723: Riverside Laundry fe Linen Supply 5a0 Beunett Applebaum Brooks club Austin Davis Morns Brothers At Morris Goouman Fuchs Baking Bakina Co aOU each George Goldberg and Florida Wholesale Grocery $633 Standard Wholesale Grocery Co 500 $230 TO $490 Graham Dairy Inc 4UU John McKenna 400 Dr Randolph Peidue $jol) Mrs Jessie Moore joU Wometco 1 Heaters (main office) 294 Austin Davis 2o0 forty fathom Fish Co 250 Florida Title Co 2j0 Lindsley Lumber Co zoU Mullov 2a(i Emil bebwarzhaupt 250 Dost onicc 230 6u Limialis 223 uesu cnuicn and lectoiv 2uu ucsu school and convent- $Jou Feopies Water 61 uas Co 200 $100 TO $219 Patten Sales Co ana employes $225 Mtmaiy Intelligence Branch otnee (olli-cers and employes) 217 Harry Stevens Inc 200 flonda Bond Mortgage Co $la Krieger 180 Miami Fruit Industries and employes 1(310 Cash $130 Emett Choate $150 A Earle Clark At Son and employes 150 Moms Connell and Harvey pierce $lo0 Mr and Mis A Guyton 150 Mrs Annie Hampton $1b0 Holden-Wood Inc 150 Kurtz At Sappenlield 150 Nankin $150 White Swan Laundry $150 Dr Andes $125 Arlington Hotel $100 Cowen-Bulbin Shoe Stores Inc $125 Inc $125: Reducka $125 Sertel $125 IATS Operators 12u Wagner $120 The following have contributed $100 each: Baldwin Beachcomber Cluo Mrs Jacob Becker Becker Biscayne Engineering Co Cleaver At Brown Tire Co and employes Mrs Ethel Davis Dawson Mrs Phil Delany Dorchester Hotel Inc Mr and Mrs Douglas Dr and Mrs David Fairchild Samuel Feldman Five Club Florida Marine Corn Mr and Mrs George Mr and Mrs William Hard Leslie Harmon Jefferson Hotel June Dairy Products Co Kleteker Produce Co Clocker Law-ton Dr A Levitt A Lichtenstein Larry Marks and Co Morgan McCormick Clara McKenna Mrs Ray Mead Miami Fruit Industries Miami Junior club Mullet's National Biscuit Co Pan American hotel Ralley Tire At Battery Co A Reynolds Mrs Kothgeb Southern Laundiy Inc Morton Stein Stewart Ac Skinner Sun Sales At Service A Tyler Mrs A Verges Mrs A Waddell Elsie Waddell John Waie jr and Williams $30 TO $99 Judge and Mrs Blanton $96 $85 Dr Marion A Copklin $80 Gamer and Weiss $80 A Earle Clark $75 Morris Cowen $75 Coral Gables Insurance Co $75 Tine Davis $75 Dunlap Shoe Store $75 Ocean Grande Hotel $75 Russell Pancoast $75 Pinkerton National Detective Agency $75 Louis Roth 75 Tripura Pioducts Co $75 State Thegter Employes $74 A Albert Green 89 1 Uieen $89 Leon Green $59 John f) Clark $80 Mrs Zuna Drat lick 00 Marjoiln Druiv $00 Peninsular Supply Co Employes 58 Muffels Employes 30 Capitol Theater Employes 54 50 Miami Theater Employes 50 501 Liploii 54 Miami Shores aehool (pupllsi $5J87 United Stales Aituv Hradouartei Florida Sub Sector (personnel) $52 50 The following donated 50 each Adam Uache At Co Nellln Beck Aithur Bejel Inc additional 50 Fish and Lobster Maiket Henry Bulbin Ar Gift Shop Carlin Maud Chustian Mrs Julia Clough Bond Collins Coral Gables club Paul Dillingham Thomas Everhart Fred Gamer Cafe Mrs Joseph Graham Hickson Packing Co Hollopeter Ai Post Johnson Kimball Elisha A King Mrs Elizabeth King Klstler Lamont Cleaning At Laundry A Lancaster Larson Mr and Mrs Thomas Lee Little River Laundry Co McClelland Agencies Mrs Morgan McCormick Miami Lodge No 554 of A Morrison National Produce Co Overmyer Mr and Mrs Frank Overton Earnest Overstreet Dr and Mrs Rehfuss Adehemar Renuart Cyril Snyder Lt and Mrs John Simmons Spaulding A Smith Mr and Mrs Henry Stoddard Elry Stone Frances Tarbous Victor Nahm At Bros A Vivian Westchester Normandy Apts Mrs Sarah Wilsey Sue Young $23 TO $19 Lucien Renuart 48 Earle Robbins $48 Lincoln Theater Employes $4750 Parkway Theater Employes $45 52 Bradley 4o Jacobus $45 William Jennings Bryan School (school children) $44 17 Street $43 McConnell $42 Anonymous $4265 Ace Theater Employes $40 Ruth Butcher $40 Dorothy Cason $40 Mrs Saia Ben-net $40 Mrs Fltzgibbon $40 Winifred James $40 Max Meyer $40 Mr and Mrs Reese $40 Marion 1 Schutz $40 Mr and Mrs Smith $40 Street $40 Miss Ellen Trigg $10 Betty Wales Cosmetics $40 Walker Casket Co $40 Wells $40 Rosetta Theater Employes $38 50 A Goodburn 36 Layton $36 George Tabbult $36 Treat $36 Childs Company of Providence $35 Mr and Mrs Seward Foster 7r Hall-Mark Electric Sales Co $35 Mrs Ella Horne $35 Mrs Hunt $35 Miss Marion Manley $35 Chas Lefkove $35 Mrs Newburger $35 Mr and Mrs Price $35 Mrs Sadve Rose $35 Joseph Rosemah 35 John Larkin $)4 Coral Gables First National Bank Employes $3102 Ahern Funeral Home $10 Dave Bosworlh $30 Eugene Burns $30 Delta Felton $30 Mr and Mrs Honrv Greaor $10 Larry Hines $30 Kilgore Mrs Marion MacPherson $30 Ethel Ms-lass $30 Col and Mrs Charles Metller $30 Renuart $30 Rebecca Vinton $30 Paul Weiss 30 Mr aivl Mr Francis Havel $27 A Brewer 26 Harrison 26 Huffman $26 Plaza Theater Employes 26 The following contributed $25: Mrs 8 Adkins Allen American Stamp Works Sara Archambo Mortimer Auerbach Jack August George Aylesworth Frank Bailey Mrs Grace Baker Baltimore Hotel Louis Handel Mrs A Bat telle Mr and Mrs Charles Beeching Dora Hoppe Beers ft Blum-enfeld Bonita Fruit Preserving Co lro Brown Malcolm Cameron Charles ft Carlson Carnes George Caster Certified Poultry At Fug Co Chupp Mrs Warren Collins Grocery Co Book Ac Card Shop Mrs Horace Cordes Mr and Mrs Cote George Courtols Earl Curry Davis Davis Poultry Ac Egg Co James Dcwhurst A Dlefenderfer Stanley Dodd Co Mrs A Dominguez Dorn Drrhert Elsheth Ellis Hugh Emerson Tee Cream Shop Joe English Ieon Enswlnger Enyeart Mrs Svdnev Farr Don Fleming Florida Wholesale Fruit Corn Floyd Gables Apothecary Mrs A Gleason Godard Gorflve Mr and Mrs Robert Cabel Graham Louis Green-blatt Mr and Mrs Benj Greenburg Mrs William A Hamann Harlem ThcRtre Fmnlovrs Fred Harley Hartland Law Harlsfletd Co Inc Harvey Mrs Phillip Head Mr and Mrs Wm Hong-land Helen Louise Hnllrman Jack Ac Jill Shop Johnson Fruit Corp Johnson Mr and Mrs Jack Kaselman Kelly Mr and Mrs Walter Kent David Klellslrotn -Mrs Margie Knowlson Mr and Mis Robert Kuhn Intavptte Hold Mrs Lai kin Robert Lassiter Frank Lazarus Helen Lenrh Tee Shoe Coin Rose and Clemenre levy Royal I llihv Mary A Lmdop Mr and Mis Finnrls I tzicke Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co lmtinan Corp Mrs Robert Lyell Stoics Corp Jacob Mazer Mr and Mrs MeCaffiey Mr and Mrs Jack McClellan Mrs John McCloy McCready Virginia McWane Miami Beach Federal Savings Ac Loan Association (employes) Miami Beach Fed eral Savings Ac Loan Association (add! tlonal) Miami Shop Miami Tailor SuddIv Miami Welding Works Ac SuDDlv Co Michael Ac Wheeler Inc Dale Miller Mr and Mrs Herman Molner Mrs Charles Moon Mrs Howell Moorhead Newberry A Oates Optical Service of Florida Mrs Alexander Orr III Irene Ozias George Parrott Elizabeth Pearson Hugh Peters John PIhR Dr Virgil Pleek Mr and Mrs Maurice Raf-kln Robert Rehn Reynolds fiepartment Store Catherine Richie Roberts Samuel Rose Mrs Gardiner Royce Henrv Rnnkel Mrs A Rynrhon Baggage Ac Taxi Inc Sanitary Linen Service Co Edwin Sawyer Mrs Minnie Schilling Emanuel Schein Mrs Eleanor Schuck Robert Sealey Mr and Mrs Shepherd Mr and Mrs Simon Hubert Singer Rachel Spanton State Leather Co Steele Estell Stith Mr and Mrs Murray Stoddart Strand Theater employes Mr and Mrs Harry Stuart Mrs Howard VV Sullivan Surf Theater employes Mr and Mrs Harry Talmadge Gerald Tannef Robert A Taylor Alice and Virginia Thoroe Thrall Turner-Fnx Co Emil Veith Victory Motors Inc Mr and Mrs Frank Von Breeht Walton Gaylord Williams Wisteria Fruit Co and Young Folks Togs We're Honoring The Boys Not Waiting To Memorialize Them! iV SENDING EQUIPMENT This is to let you know that you 3 Egrets Swamp Everglades Rhode Says Egrets almost extinct 31 years' ago now are plentiful In the Kvergiatles one of their main breeding grounds Homer Rhode jr enforcement officer for the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish commission estimates there are of of egrets in the state They were almost wiped out during the era because fashionable women prized the dainty silky white plumes as' hat ornaments Then came strict laws prohibiting the killing of egrets and banning the sale or even possession of egret feathers by anyone but museums or educational institutions holding special state and federal permits Reason for the near-extinction of the egret Rhode explained is that the plumes springing from the back and head are roost luxuriant during the season when the young are in the nest birds were killed as they were coming back to the rookery with food for the young or as they were returning to help incubate the young The killing of the older birds meant the annihilation of the he said No longer menaced by bullets Florida's egrets face other hazards partly man-made Drainage of the Everglades with resultant drouths and fires was mentioned by Rhode as a major throat to the egrets number of egrets probably never will increase beyond the presowt supply unless water can be kept in the Everglades Last year when it was so dry we lost tens of thousands of birds" Egrets are pond birds Rhode continued They primarily feed on minnows fisli up to three inches long frogs lizards crawfish bugs and snakes Snakes are among the egret's natural enemies attacking the young Other predators such as the wild eat possum raccoon otter and hawk are enemies of the egret The Weather Miami Feb 12 1914 Highest tempei ature 74 lowest temperature £3 Mean temperature eg Normal temperature 68 Accumulated deficiency In tempera-ture since Feb 1 degrees 2 Accumulated deficiency In tempera-tuift since Jan 1 degrees 95 Highest and lowest record this date past 33 veer 85 and 40 Precipit Alton 24 hour ending at 7 30 Total pieciplUlion since Feb 1 inches Deficiency since Feb 1 Inches To) fi I nietipualinn mice Jan 1 Inc he Deficiency Jan 1 Inches no oo 0 84 3 no ln it it and Moon For Sunday Run rises 7 58 Sun sets 7:13 Moon rises 1107o Moon sets 1040a Tides For Miami Beach HIGH a 1151 1217 1228 1256 1:10 LOW a pm 5 25 6 07 653 Sunday Monday Tuesday 543 6 23 707 Forecast Florida Fair and colder north and central portions partly cloudy and cooler extreme southeast portion today Monday fair north portion partly cloudy south portion Not Quite so cold Georgia: Fair and continued cold today not Quite so cold tonleht with lowest temperatures 18-22 extreme north portion 2g-25 central portion and 24-30 south portion Increasing cloudiness and warmer Monday Temperature data reported by XT have been personally honored by your by haying bought a $100 Bond to place your name on the list of Dade County boys now serving in the Armed Forces You will be saluted at special ceremonies in Baylront Park on February 22 1944 Rig Names Join Soldiers In Revue Soldier stars of Flamingo band-shell will be joined by some big names in the entertainment world at 7:45 tonight and Monday night in presentation of Valentine to Danny Kaye of Broadway fame Leo Durochor manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers Lily Damita of the films: Bairs Beckwith ex-Powers model now a movie starlet and Betty Smiley reveille girl will be among the principals Joey Adams and Tony Canzoneri comedy team and Sgt Zeke Segal soldier-producer are billed too- Others to be featured include M-Sgt Sammy Sinhorn S-Sgts Jerry Hirsch and Ted Evans Sgts Si Bochner and Harold Barrows Corp Lee Sherman Pvts Harold Mertis and Gene Frankel Penny Kasper Soni Lorraine Elena Galvan and Doreen Cratne 19 Fliers Die In Collision By The Associated Press GREENVILLE Feb Nineteen men were killed Saturday when three planes of a bomb group collided and crashed at the Greenville Army air base The planes flying low in formation touched wings and crashed just after they had passed over a field in review They fell a quarter of a mile away at the north end of the base Flames were seen before the craft struck the ground All aboard all three planes were killed The dead: Capt Arthur VV Martin jr 26 Fresno Cal 2nd Lt Raymond Hutches jr 21 Gary Ind 2nd Lt Robert 11 Temple 22 Greenville 2nd Lt Warren Bartram 21 Greenville Staff Sgt Donald King 23 Greenville Sgt Roy Foster 20 Morgantown VV Va Sgt Gcan Brunelle 24 Springfield Mass Cpl Donald Kairies 27 Greenville 2nd Jt Henry Sydcjko 2t Chippewa Falls Wls 2nd Lt Aelred II Staehler 22 Morris Minn 2nd Lt John Haener 21 Memphis Tonn Sgt James VV Lott 21 Trinity Tex George VV Crowther 29 Bristol Mass 2nd Lt Walter Rai-eigh 25 Pittsford Vt 2nd Lt Alfred Hanson 23 Racine Wis 2nd Lt Paul jr 20 Aberdeen Miss Sgt John Mc-Nichol 22 Orange Sgt David Schmidt 22 Athol Mass Cpl James Bristow Greenville Seven Army Fliers ie In Texas Crash HOUSTON Tex Feb 12 (INS) Seven Army air men were killed near noon Saturday when an Ellington field plane crashed near Iteevllle on a navigation training mission Ellington field anlhorl-tles who announced the (rush said names wore being withheld pending notification of relatives Mother Kills Cilihl WASHINGTON Feb 12 Mrs Mary Orencia 21 admitted Saturday police said that she killed her three-year-old daughter with a chair round because the child was crying Constantino Orencia 31 the father carried the baby to a hospital where she was pronounced dead upon arrival ASTROLOGY FREE LECTURE By Prof A Seward World's I tirfmiwt Astrologer TONIGHT And tvry Night 730 to 11 Would vou lilt to know what the lnm hold in tor for yon your friend and rrlntDr during 1911? If tMitililo to tiHrnd send Hie full date of birth and enclose a JHnh hill for a romnlfto N1 unite KhAlilMi Mttdio 1 lacier fct and llincane tj Mm ml I In Exiled Slavs Link Parties Rr lb Anrllzd Treat CAIRO Feb A cordlllon of all royalist parties in Yugoslavia under the name of the Democratic National was announced Saturday by the Yugoslav government-in-exile here The announcement said the group was formed at a meeting of 1T3 party representatives some where In the mountains of Yugoslavia last month None of the resolutions referred specifically to the Par tisans or their leader Marshal Josip Ibroz (Tito) but the exiled government statement said the union congress Jiad appealed the Com munist party of Yugoslavia to stop it3 harmful action of disruption both in the military and political fields" Many of Partisans are Communists 4 Bulkheads For Virginia Key War Production board divisions have approved the application of the Dade county commission for completion of three bulkheads not previously authorized for the Virginia Key causeway project Sen Claude Pepper notified Commission Chairman Treston Bird Satur dav Popper said it would require two or three days for the papers to dear the clerical details required by the WFU Bird and County Engineer Earle Rader recently appeared before the Wru In Washington Bottle Beturii Urged As Shortage Looms WASHINGTON Feb 12 fT) a long dry spell nhoud for the thirsty unless beverage bottles are returned promptly for re-use the War Production board reported Saturday Currently bottlers ran buy only 05 per cent of their 1942 lxttle purchases and this allotment cannot be Increased as United States glass makers are already at loo per-cent capacity on war orders About 152000000 carbonated beverage bottles will be shipped overseas this year for troop use further depleting supplies for civilians TARPAULINS All tixes made to order Tent and esnvat goods Army shoes rain coats rubber boots over shoes Clothing and mess equipment ARMY SALVAGE COMPANY 6160 27th Ave LOST HEARING IS RESTORED Virtually every deafened person today can regain good hearing and escape the worry and embarrassment resulting irom deafness Use of a Maico electronic hearing aid delicately adjusted to correct the impairment eliminates and through the full normal range of sounds and makes voices and music clearly audible without static or distortion The Maico aid streamlined for comfort and convenience Is so light and Inconspicuous its presence is forgotten Sturdy though miniature it assures the wearer dependable accurte hearing at low operating cost Demonstration of the Maico hearing aid will be given without cost or obligation in your own home or at the Office of Maico Hearing Service 407 Congress Bldg Miami Phone 30910 Adv Regional Labor Offices Slated The Associated Press ATLANTA Feb The Department of Labor announced Saturday organization- of a regional Rurea a of Labor statistics with headquarters in Atlanta and which will serve eight states Georgia Florida SoutA Carolina Alabama Mississippi North Carolina Tennessee and Virginia Harris Dawson jr of Atlanta was named regional director by A Hinrlchs acting commissioner of labor statistics Alan Ritter succeeds Dawson as regional wage analyst while Robert Connerat will continue as regional price analyst Tlie regional office represents consolidation of the functions of the price branch and wage analysis branch in the region Dawson a native of Mobile Ala graduated from Dartmouth college and later served as Industrial specialist for a Wall Street firm and for six months as assistant to the city treasurer of Montgomery Ala Army Opposes Union System By The Aaeiat4 Praai WASHINGTON Feb 12 The War Department made it plain Saturday that if unions demand a check off system for private employers of war prisoners the Army' Is determined that neither the prisoner nor the United States government will pay the money This a War Department official suggested makes lt evident that the only way for unions to collect check-offs for work done by war prisoners would be to get it direct ly from the employer The question arose from a disclosure by Leon Schaehter business manager of a local of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butchers Workmen (AFL) that a union dues check-off of 23 cents a week will be demanded for each of 1C3 Nazi war prisoners employed lv the Seahrook Farms Bridgeton OPEN 10 TO 4 TRIDC HUGS FOR ALL USES In Bleached I SHEETING yd 4 WU 500 LEATHER BELTS 25c All Calart Small i4 Lsra alue ftl US Silk Dresses Sweaters Wool Skirts Silk Blouses Slacks Etc gi a BUTTONS Imported and Domestic EVERYTHING IN BUTTONS 40 BARGAIN TABLES FAYMUS WAREHOUSE SALE 24 36TH ST ARE BACKING ATTACK men in service to receive emtilirat Extra Meat Points Preferred To Cash WASHINGTON Feb 12 Hard cash doesn't mean as much to the average housewife as extra meat ration points the War Production board concluded Saturday after totaling December waste fat collections Ever since the fat collection drive started butchers have been paying for fats turned in by housewives but the response was lethargic On December 13 the government began giving two meat ration points for each pound of wn-te fats anil discovered that collections zoomed 33 per rent in the month In comparison with November totals Such fats are needed for pin-duetion of explosives synthetic rubber plastics pharmaceuticals and other war products Cuticur prompt! helps loftQn blickhrad tips for ea-y removal Mililly mriii-caled At all druggists Buy TODAY I CUTI EUR A' SOAP Jan OINTMENT Q5RR705 CnsUnDaUDCED fiTTTicn (2) Censors Get By United Frette LONDON Feb Appointment of two office to the British censorship office aroused concern among London correspondents Saturday that censorship which in theory applies only to matters of military security in wartime might in fact extend be yond the hostilities to include political developments surrounding the peace conference Coincident with appointment of the two experienced diplomats to the office there appeared a new censorship directive which could be interpreted as authorizing the censors to cut off any news dispatch solely because it might cause differences among the United Nations Both British and American newspapermen now feel that extension of censorship into the interim between the armistice and the pence conference would not only lie a flangci mis precedent but would do prive both the British and American public of information they want ami should have The two new advisors are Sir Reginald Hoare British minister at Bucharest until Britain declared war on Rumania and Sir Robert Hodgson 70 who retired from the diplomatic service in 1936 after eight years as minister to Albania 2 Hurt As Motorcycle Crashes Into Utility Pole Kenneth Force 33 of 953 10th st suffered compound fractures of the left thigh and pelvis Saturday night when his motorcycle crashed into a utility pole at Coral way and 32nd ave Jim Vedder 32 same address riding with Force sustained hip back and internal injuries SAVES STEEL Guaranteed to make old razor blades as sharp as new in thirty I seconds $200 Prepaid In USA COLOR NAVY Blue ARMY Khaki BLADE MASTER INC JAMES ST DEALERS ORLANDO FLORIDA INVITED REMINDER HOME FOLKS 2 Youths Held In Assault Case Fir Untied Tress BIRMINGHAM Ala Feb Two Washington youths believed to be escaped inmates of a psychopathic hospital were in jail Saturday night on charges of robbery rape and kidnaping after an orgy of crime in three Southern states police Chief Floyd Eddins reported Joe Hoekenberry 20 confessed that lm iind a companion listed as Gerge Butt IS escaped from the hospital after overpowering a guard Two women one In serious condition were victims of the pair police said One of the women was abducted in Birmingham and the other was kidnaped in New Orleans Treasury Statement WASHINGTON Feb 12 The position of the treasury Frh 10 compared with corresponding date a year auo: Frh 1(1 1944 Feb 10 1943 Rerelpl $94 378226 16 $60147303 44 Expenditures $2- 9262367 18 $293131829 65 Net balance: $18 386 819494 42 7011 57161830 Working balance Included: $17624050479 53 $6248 98878972 Cuftoms receipts for month: $1459964187 $903149977 Receipts fiscal year (July 1): $23735291369 40 $889399059312 Expenditures fiscal year: $55590765605 76 $4376945048168 Excess of 855485 38636 $34875459888 56 Total 49 $116 76913544316 Increase over previous dav $555654618 01 Gold assets: $2182280211318 $22642246819 86 hotisjndsWnrrfnr irrjHBlincC jraisejimplt nlLmiLLi LIYehSILWIITJ Simple pile reed not wreck and torture you with maddening itch burn end irritation Pyramid Suppositories bnnf quick welcoma relief 1 hair grand medi- cation means real comfort reduces strain helps tighten relaxed membranes gently lubricates and softens Protective and anti-ehaibnff so easy to use Get genuine Smart's Pyramid Suppositories at your 1 drug store without bOc and $120 on moneyback guarantee One Killed 11 Hurt In Railroad Crash ASHTABULA' Ohio Feb 12 (f An engineer was killed and 11 persons including eight passengers suffered injuries when a locomotive and derailed the New York Southwestern Limited passenger train Saturday three miles west of here Dead is Morris about 55 engineer whom the New York Central had furnished to guide a Pennsylvania train over NYC lines.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.