El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2024)

September 9, 1965 Dial KE 2-1661 THE EL PASO TIMES El Paso's HOME Newspaper Want Ad Dept. 532-1971 Page 7-B Dallas High Schools Integrate Dallas. (AP) Five Negroes entered previously all-white high schools as Dallas schools hEarsdntegrated classes all elementary grades. School officials said three Negro boys were admitted to the senior class of South 1 Oak Cliff High School and two Negro girls were enrolled in Crozier Tech High School senior class. The incident of the day was the arrest of four members of the American Nazi Party who picketed the South Oak Cliff High School in protest of desegregation.

Their arrest was countermanded by Chief of Police Jesse Curry, on the advice of the city attorney. They were taken back school by a patrol car and resumed their picketing for about an hour. The school district had ordered all elementary schools integrated this fall and said that junior high schools would be integrated next fall and senior high schools in the fall of 1967. Urges Plan To Banish Crime Wave Washington. (AP) President Ichnson called on a special commission of experts Wednesday to come up with daring, creative and revolutionary suggestions to stop crime.

"I pledge you and I pledge to the nation: The full resources of this government will be behind you," Johnson said. He addressed the 19 judges, lawyers and other members of the National Crime Commission he appointed in late July to undertake the first systematic, nationwide study of lawlessness, law enforcement, and the administration of justice. Congress appropriated $1.1 million for the commission, which is headed by Atty. Gen. Nicholas Katzenbach and has a full-time staff.

At his first formal meeting with the group, Johnson asked for "a blueprint for effective action to banish crime." "The problems of crime do not yield to easy answers," he said, but "today I am challenging you to find them." Three Injured Wednesday In Accidents Lonnie Paul Clowdus, 27, of 1019 Elm was taken to Providence. Memorial Hospital with when the driving east multiple lacerations, suffered on Yandell Drive was struck by a car at the intersection of Campbell Street by a car driven by. Javier Ramon Saenz, 800 N. Hill He was one of three injured in accidents Wednesday. Saenz was treated by a private physician for minor injuries.

Clowdus was cited for red light. The accident occurred at 6 a.m. An hour later, two boys riding a bicycle were struck by a car on El Paso Drive at the intersection of Glenwood Street. Ruben Torres, 13, of 6200 Tampa and Miguel Nevarez, 14, 6881 E. Yandell Drive, were taken to Thomason General Hospital for treatment of multiple abrasions.

Police said a car driven by Hector A. Gomez, 5245 Montview Court, pulled away from a stop sign while northbound on Glenwood Street and struck the bicycle. According to police, Gomez could not see the youths due to a truck which had stopped next to his car at the stop sign. No citation was issued. Funeral Set For Oldest Church Member services for Mrs.

CynElizabeth Phillips, 96, of 38 Half Moon Drive, who died Tuesday, will be held at 2 p.m.| Friday in Kaster and Downtown Chapel with Dr. W. S. Parish Jr. officiating.

Burial will follow in Evergreen Cemetery. A resident of El Paso since 1919, she moved to Los Angeles, in 1922 and then back to El. Paso in 1950. She was the oldest member of the First Christian Church and a past member of the Order of the Eastern Star. She was the oldest member also of El Paso Women's Christian Temperance Union.

Surviving are one son, T. F. Smith of El Paso; one daughter, Mrs. Clara Miles of Glen Rose, eight grandchildren; great grandchildren including Edward Pfingsten of El Paso; and 17 great-great-grandchildren. Seek Tax Charge Consolidation A motion to consolidate charges of an indictment against Stanley Marcus and Albert Schmidt will made before U.S.

District JudgeD. W. Suttle Thursday by Asst: U.S. Atty. Harry Lee Hudspeth.

The defendants are charged individually, Midway and jointly Liquor as and owners Loan Co. with filing false income tax returns with the Internal Revenue' Service. defense motion for a bill of particulars will also be heard. Las Cruces Air Force Pilot Killed Bretingny, France. (AP) Air Force Maj.

Philip E. Neale was killed at this French Air Test Center Wednesday, the Air Force announced. Maj. Neale, 35, was making an evaluation flight a new aircraft, the Air Force said. Further details were not available.

Bretingny is approximately 50 miles sough of Paris. An Air Force spokesman said Maj. Neale was part of a fourman American evaluation team sent to France earlier this month to test experimental aircraft. Maj. Neale joined the Air Force in 1952, following his graduation a year earlier from New Mexico State University.

Prior to an assignment to Edwards Air Force Base, in 1959 he had served in Germany. In August 1959 Maj. Neale was graduated from the Air Force Test Pilot School at Edwards, since renamed the Aerospace Research Pilot School. He spent the next six years there as an instructor and test pilot for verti-' cal takeoff aircraft. Christian Athlete Rally Set The public is invited to attend the first rally to be held in El Paso by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at 7:30 p.m.

Saturday in the Texas Western College Memorial gym. Guest speaker will be James (Jeff) Jeffrey, executive director of the FCA who was an all-Southwestern Conference halfback attending Baylor University. He was also named fullback on the service All-American team after his Carswell Air Force Base football team won the national service championship. It is hoped that a chapter of FCA on the college and high school levels can be organized in Paso. The group is a nonprofit, educational, inter-racial organization composed of Christian athletes who want to further the ministry of Christ.

A luncheon, at which Jeffrey will also speak, will be held at 12:15 p.m. Saturday in the Cen(tral YMCA. At this time, ministers some the local Christian and laymen will discuss the possibility of organizing the local FCA. Range Ripping Project Completed Special to EL PASO TIMES Las Cruces, N.M. J.

W. Young, district manager of the Bureau of Land Management in Las Cruces announced Wednesday that 1,170 acres of range ripping have been completed on the Corralitos Ranch 12 miles west of Las Cruces. Don C. Thomas of El Paso was the contractor on the job. This work was done on public land under the Bureau's Resource Conservation and Development Program.

Range ripping increases overall moisture penetration, reduces run-off, helps prevent erosion, an results in saving of topsoil and increased vegetation growth. Hotel Dieu Orientation Opens Thursday Orientation of nearly 60 new freshman students in Hotel Dieu School of Nursing will begin Thursday with registration and continue through Friday, Sept. 17. The nursing school faculty will conduct the orientation Thursday and Friday which will include an introduction to various 1 nursing classes and facilities including the school and hospital. Optimists Honored For the second time in 22 the Nero Mexico-West Texas Disyears, Optimist International has learned an Honor District and its goverror, Ted C.

Manders, won the Distinguished Governor's award. Manders was also one of seven district governors to be presented the International President's Prospector award for a net increase in district membership. He is presently a director of Our Lady's Neighborhood Center and of the Administrative Management Society. He owns the Manders Employment Service and is area manager of Kelly Girl Service and Market-Aides. In The Courts DOMESTIC CASES Divorce Suits: James R.

Lewallen Diana Lee Lewallen; Janice J. Carmich- vs. ael vs. Gene Carmichael; Douglas Leo Toups vs. Shirley Anne Toups; Maria A.

Cintron vs. Robert Cintron; Dorothy I. Janet Chaney vS. Delmer Chaney; Margaret Rivera vs. Ben A.

Rivera; Andrew Warren Logan vs. Diane Bowles Logan; Harold D. Leighton Jr. vS. Susanne Leighton; Christobal Montes vs.

Ramona Montes; Lanny Little vS. Tom Edward Little. Divorce Decrees: Irene Garcia Peralta vs. Ernesto Peralta; Melvin L. Sampson vs.

Phyllis J. Sampson; Nancy K. Overstreet vS. Thomas C. Overstreet Vera Vaela Caravayo vs.

Chris Caravayo; Leonarda 0. Ordonez vs. Vicente Ordonez: Sharon Gayle Haynes Crocker vS. Donald Ray Crocker; Rosa Maria Ball vS. Daniel J.

Ball; Diane merman vs. William W. Zimmerman; Leonor A. Forrestal vs. James P.

tal; Delia Delgado Lerma vs. Emilio ForresLerma; Marcia Ann Bickley vs. Jimmy Edward Bickley. Annulment Suit; Janet Diane Kirkpatrick vs. Gayetano Anthony Preza.

Annulment Decree: Russel Gene Johnson vs. Alice Bernice Johnson. Your Problems By Ann Landers Moderate Drinkers Don't Mind Advice By Writer Dear Ann Landers: I've been reading your column for a time and you're not bad when it comes to teen-age foolishness, mother-in-law stuff and free-loading relatives. But I sure wish you'd keep your trap shut about social drinking. Believe it or not, a lot of people pay attention to the junk you write.

On account of you, folks who used to enjoy a couple of sociable martinis before dinner are now wondering if maybe they aren't alcoholics. For example, we were at a party last night and I asked a woman if she'd like another highball. She repiled, "I don't think Ann Landers would approve. I've already had two." Do you think it is right to make people Ann Landers feel guilty if Ann Landers take a drink to relax? You they harping on the evils of keep and then quote doctors to liquor back you up. Have you noticed there are more old drunks around than old doctors? -BOURBON BARNEY Dear Barn: Those "old" drunks you see around are probably lot younger than they look.

Among coher things, liquor ages people. Furthermore, Buster, the moderate drinkers rarely object to advice. The beefs come from my the heavy boozers. Anyone who feels the need to point out that he is a social drinker and not a drunk is in trouble already. Dear Ann Landers: I'd like to shake the hand of that woman who wrote into say she loves to watch her husband's face when he is asleep and that his snoring doesn't bother her because it he is home where he bemeans longs.

I live in a court where all I hear is, Carl is a trailer, skunk" and "My Vernon is an idiot." I never say a word about my Ed. I just listen. Yesterday one of the wives said, "Is your husband a saint or something? Doesn't he have ANY faults?" I answered, have nothing to complain about, and if I did have I sure wouldn't broadcast it to neighbors." The woman looked at me like was nuts. Will you please say something to wives who are all the time knocking their husband -MRS. NO COMPLAINTS Dear It's unforgivable.

The woman who runs down her husband reveals more about herself than she says about him. Dear Ann Landers: Several months ago while on a trip to North Carolina I bought a beautiful little console table. I hadn't had the table more than a month when a friend of mine went crazy over it. Liz insisted it was the only table she had ever seen that would fit perfectly in her hall, which was oddshaped and impossible to decorate. I hated to part with the table but she begged so hard I agreed to sell it to her for exactly what I paid--plus the shipping.

That was three weeks ago. This morning Liz called to say she was browsing through a local furniture store and ran into a table exactly like the one I had sold her. It was priced at $35 less. She added, "And your table had some scratches I didn't see when I bought it." I'm so mad! can't see straight. If the table has scratches on it her kids put them there.

Shall I tell her to bring the table back (scratches and all) and then return the money? -G. L. Dear G. No. You've already invested too much time and energy in this mess.

Now leave it alone. And in the future stay out of the furniture business. Let your friends find their own tables, then if they have a gripe they can go to the manager of the store. "The Bride's Guide," Ann Landers' booklet, gives authoritative and complete information on how to plan a wedding. To receive your copy of this comprehensive guide, write to Ann Landers, in care of this newspaper, enclosing a long, se dressed, stamped envelope and 35c in coin.

Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of The El Paso Times, enclosing a stamped, self-addressed Mrs. Sparks Dies At 80 The body of Ms. Leora Belle Sparks. 80, of Las Cruces, N.M., who died Tuesday in El Paso, has been taken to the Graham Mortuary in Las Cruces.

Mrs. Sparks, a long time resident of Las Cruces was a ber of the First Baptist Church and the Farm Bureau of Dona Ana County. Her late was the owner of the Community Flour Mill from 1918 to 1933 when he retired to his farm. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. John Hoskins and Mrs.

Walter Bamert; three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren, all of Las Cruces. A son, Maj. Charles Russell Sparks, died on Bataan in the Philippine Islands in 1942. The water content of a human body weights more than the skeleton. American Stock Exchange New York.

(AP) lected list of major transactions on the change Wednesday. Sales (hds.) Aerojet .502 36 AllegAirl 36 AmPetro .15 9 ArkLGas 1.36 20 AssdOil 77 Audio De 12 Br AmOil 1 Can So Pet 32 2 Cdn Javelin 398 Cinerama 21 Commun Dis Creole 2.60a 28 Daitch CD .24 Data Cont Desilu Prodn Fin Gen Flying Tiger 69 Devel 30 Gen Plywood GianniniC .30 39 GiantY 53 Hazel Bish Hydrometai 17 Int Oil Gas 31 Kaiser Ind 226 Kawecki Ch 24 La Land 1.40 28 Magna Oil 5 MeadJohn .48 174 Molybden 32 Nuclear Am 76 Indus Perfect Phot Reeves Brd RioG VG .28 Scurry Rain 23 Sbd Airlin 145 ShatDen .20 7 la 55 Sonotone 2 Syntex 403 UnControl .20 53 Zale Corp .56 2 Following is a sestock and bond American Stock Ex- Net High Low Close Chg. 9 9 1-16 2 2 -1-16 39 39 as 20 15 14 8 6 9 16 54 20 2 2. 4 25 25 25 Cotton NEW YORK COTTON New York. (AP) Demestic cotton futures closed unchanged to 75 cents a bale higher Wednesday.

There was some commission house trading in May 1966 contracts. Other deliveries were dormant as most traders awaited final action by Congress on cotton legislation. The market appeared to be little affected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture report, forecasting the 1965 cotton crop at 15,134,000 bales. This was 218,000 bales more than the government's first estimate a month ago and it compared with the 1964 crop of 180,000 bales.

Cotton acreage is lower this year but is more than offset by a rise in the estimated yield to 532 pounds per acre compared with 517 pounds a year ago. After the close, the Commodity Credit Corp. reported cotton loan entries for the week ended Sept. 3 were 7,977 bales compared with 13,115 bales entered in the preceding week. The net loan stock of the current crop now totals 20,053 bales.

A year ago 71,887 bales of 1964 crop were in the government loan. World cotton futures were inactive and closed unchanged to 75 cents a bale higher on the basis of final quotes. Futures closed unchanged to 75 cents a bale higher. High Low Close October 29.70b December 29.81b March 29.75b May 29.25 29.25 29.15b July 26.80b COTTONSEED OIL New York. (AP) Bleachable Cottonseed oil futures closed 2 to 10 lower.

Sales 9 contracts. Low Close Oct 12.50 12.50 12.47B Dec 12.41 12.38 12.36B Closing Bids: Sep 12.61, Mar 12.38, May 12.35, Jul 12.30. Bid. Livestock CHICAGO LIVESTOCK Chicago. (AP)-Hogs butchers 23.00; mixed 1-3 200-260 Ibs 22.25-85; sows 1-3 350-400 Ibs 20.50-21.25; 2-3 500- 600 Ibs 19.00-19.75; boars 15.50-17.25.

Cattle calves none; slaughter steers steady to 25 higher; 6 loads prime lb 29.50; high choice and prime Ibs 28.50-29.25; choice Ibs 26.75-28.50; part load prime 1,000 lb slaughter heifers 26.25; high choice and prime lbs 23.50-25.25. Sheep 300; spring slaughter lambs mostly 50 cents higher; shorn slaughter ewes fully steady; choice and prime 90-105 lb spring slaughter lambs 24.50- 25.00; good and choice 22.50-24.50. KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK Kansas City. (AP)-Cattle calves 150; slaughter steers and heifers strong to 25 higher; cows steady; calves strong; feeders steady; slaughter steers good and choice 23.00-25.50; heifers good and choice 22.00-23.50; utility and commercial cows 14.50-15.50; good and choice calves 17.50-22.00; feeder steers good and choice 22.50-23.75; choice steer calves 24.00-26.00; choice heifer calves 21.00- 22.50. Hogs barrows and gilts 25 higher sows; steady; barrows and gilts 260- 300 Ib 21.50-22.25; 190-210 lb 21.50-22.25; 300-400 lb.

sows 20.00-21.00; 400-600 1000 lb 19.75-20.25. Sheep 500; spring lambs strong to 50 higher; ewes steady to 25 higher; choice and prime spring lambs 23.00-24.00; cull to good ewes 5.50-7.25; good and choice feeders 19.50-21.50. LOS ANGELES LIVESTOCK Los Angeles. (AP) Artesia feed lot and range sales: cattle salable 1200. Slaughter classes: steers individual standard 1150-1500 lb.

22.30-23.00; cows low standard 1750-1850 lb. 15.70-17.50; bulk utility 15.00-50; cutters 12.90-15.10; cahners 11.00-15.20. Bulls utility and commercial holstein 18.00-21.40; comparable grades beef type 17.20-1970; cutter 16.00- 18.10. Calves salable 300, most feeders held for mid-week auction. Hogs salable 25.

Sheep none. City of Industry: cattle salable Slaughter classes: heifers 800 lb. 22.00; cows low standard 17.50-20.00. Heifers utility and commercial 16.00-17.50; bulk utility 15.50-1650; cutter 13.50-15.00; canners 13.00-50; bulls, utility and commercail, 19.00-21.50. Calves salable 25.

Hogs and sheep none. The longest marked footpath in the world is the Appalachian Trail, which runs from Mount Katahdin, in Maine, to Mount Oglethorpe, in Georgia, a distance of more than 2,000 miles. you don't have to dive in a U.S. nuclear submarine to enjoy Carrier air conditioning! You'll find Carrier air conditioning in most U.S. nuclear submarines, DC-8 Nations Building, the Tower new Houston Stadium, and countless other famous You get proved Carrier conditioning for your entire ing.

But you pay no more air conditioning. Why settle jets, the Pentagon, United of Light, Lincoln Center, Dulles International Airport installations. quality when you buy air home, a shop or a buildthan you do for ordinary for less? CALL US TODAY AND Get Your New Carrier Air Conditioner SHEET METAL, INC. 6340 Commerce 778-3304 WOOLWORTH'S VALUES Precision-crafted Swiss-movement FASHION WATCHES All the smartness, sparkle and glitter you could want in pendant watches. es, heart shapes, petites, with a new dimension in include Florentine finishbeauty! Elegant designs 088 even flickering jewel dials! Gold finish cases and pendant chains.


Aguirre, 54, of 3301 McKinley died Wednesday in a local hospital. Life long resident of El Paso, member of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Survived by husband, Edward P. Aguirre, of EI Paso, 2 sons, Eddie Aguirre of Indian Orchard, Mass. Gilbert Aguirre, EI Paso. 3 grandchildren, Gilbert Mary Evelyn and Arthur Aguirre.

1 brother, Henry Valles, of Los Angeles, Calif. Arrangements pending with Martin. 3839 Montana Ave. 566-3955 FIELDS Mrs. Guy N.

Fields, 75, resident of Clint, Texas, for the past 50 years, passed away Wednesday. She was the widow of the late Guy N. Fields, prominent Lower Valley farmer, who passed away in 1947. She was a member of the Clint Methodist Church and the Ysleta Women's Club. Survivors: sons, Guy Fields Tornillo; Joe Fields, Fabens; sister, Mrs.

A. T. Page, El Paso. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday in the Harding-Orr McDaniel Montana Ave.

Chapel, Rev. Edwin Chappel and Rev. Phil Baker officiating. Interment will be in Evergreen. Arrangements by Harding-Orr McDaniel Montana Ave.

320 Montana Ave. 533-1646 JONES Funeral services for Mrs. Betty M. Jones, 522 Sierra, who passed away Monday will be held Thursday at 10 a.m. in the HardingOrr McDaniel Pershing Dr.

chapel with Rev. L. R. Gentry officiating. Interment will be in Restlawn Memotiral Park.

Active pallbearers, R. H. Bailey, Howard Carvajal, Charles Foster, Harold Slusher, Robert Venable Walter Schnitz. Honorary pallbearers, E. B.

Ray, Earl Paxton, Hugh Pittman, W. C. Hawkins, C. A. Anderson J.

D. Blazier. Memorial contributions may be made to the Eastwood Baptist church. Arrangements by HardingOrr McDaniel Pershing Dr. 3707 Pershing Dr.

566-2911 KENDRICK EXTRA PERFORMANCES -Festival Theater has extended its current run of "The Crucible," Arthur Miller's drama of the Massachusetts antiwitchcraft era, with performances at 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Lucy B. Carroll, in the role of Mary Warren, above finds herself in a dangerous web common to young people of any century. She is a student at Coronado High School and appeared in Festival's production of "Lady Windermere's Fan." SF Papers Reduced To Two (C) 1965, New York Times Maws Service San Francisco.

This city's publishers have agreed to reduce the present three San Francisco daily newspapers to two. They are doing so by consolidating all production operations except editorial departments. The project, which followed a long and bitter fight for supremacy Examiner between and the the Hearst locally owned Chronicle in the morning field, was announced Wednesday in an unusual way. Officers of Local 21 of the International Typographical Union placed on the composing room bulletin board at the Chronicle the minutes of a special union chapel meeting held late Tuesday night. The printers' session followed a meeting at which managements of the papers outlined the plans to the heads of all newspaper unions.

A source close to the management said a formal statement might not be issued until toward the weekend but the I.T.U. outlined the major points this way: The Chronicle, which now publishes daily and Sunday, will publish six days a week in the morning field, starting next Monday. The Examiner, also a daily and Sunday operation, will be joined by the News Call Bulletin, also Hearst owned, in the publication of an afternoon paper six days a week, possibly to be called the Examiner Call Bulletin. There will be a Sunday paper on which will appear the names of both the Examiner and the Chronicle. The I.T.U.

statement said that the payrolls would terminate next Saturday. A new corporation, the San Francisco Printing would take over on Sunday. PLAN DANCE The Friday Nighters will hold their weekly dance party in the allrcom of the Central YMCA from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Friday.

The party is open to all interested single adults and adult couples. Music is provided weeky by Lucille and Her Serenaders. Vital Statistics Marriage Licenses AFB, Anthony Ill. Kulvinskas, 25, of Belleview of 3931 Mobile Ave. and Yvonne Diana Neson, 19, Placido H.

Saavedra, 42, of Albuquer28, que, of N.M., and Barbara M. Saavedra, Albuquerque. Manuel Bustamante, 20, of 7157 Loop Road, and Irene Vasquez, 20, North of 909 Lariat St. Ricardo A. Chavez, 19, of 404 E.

Schuster and Victoria L. Guerra, 22, of 407 E. River Ave. John W. Jimenez, 27, of 815 3rd and Lorenza Melendez, 21, of 815 Third! Ave.

and Joseph Giadys F. B. Farrell, Gentry, 38, of Ft. 28, of 4617 Sierra: Vista Drive. cepcion M.

Espinoza, 63, of 631 ConNicolas and Maria Ponce, 62, of 631 Concepcion St. Carlos Garibay, 25, of 8871 Teodoso Drive, and Consuelo Castillo, 28, of 8871 Teodoso Drive. Gilberto Rangel, 22, of 609 S. and Alicia Saucedo, 24, of 1714 Oregon tana Ave. Sergio Jordan, 24, of Zaragoza, Mexico, and Hollis Emma E.

Martinez, 23, of Fabens. and Evelina Brown, G. 22, Martinez, of 1217 28, of Virginia 2304 Montana Consuelo Romero, 25, of Ft. Bliss, and Billy Harry and J. Rooney, 51, of 1507 Lozoya, 26, of 456 Emerson St.

Bernice Brown, 50, of N. Oregon Oregon St. Rafael Aguilar, 77, of 700 S. Oregon St. and Elvida Rios, 48, of 600 S.

Mesa William E. King, 23, of 8101 Catalpa Lane, Beverly and Margaret Majors, 23, of 8389 Place. Armando A. Castaneda, 21, of San of Francisco, Juarez. and Ofelia S.

Silva, Joe Moran, 23, of 426 S. Hammett Yolanda Torrez, 21, of 624 Concep- and cion St. Frank E. Austin, 36, of 3620 and Guadalupe Polk tus St. No.

P. Vega, 26, of Eucalyp36. Carlos Fierro, 21, of 615 7th and Leticia Orta, 23, of 703 E. 5th Ave. Births WEDNESDAY William Beaumont: Capt.

and Herbert B. McDonald, Ft. Bliss, Mrs. Sat. Nations and Mrs.

Roland Ackermann, 2600 boy; Eldon boy; Staff Sqt. and Mrs. E. Daniel, Biggs AFB, boy; CWO and Circle, Mrs. Lee H.

Stewart, 5104 True Michael boy; Airman 2 C. and Mrs. H. Thomas, Ft. Bliss, Staff Sat.

and Mrs. Louis Padilla, girl. AFB, boy. Biggs Southwestern General: Mr. and Mrs.

Doyle W. Watkins, 3201 Kilkenny Road, boy; Mr. and Mrs. J. Carlos Melendez, 141 Rio Monte girl; Mr.

and Mrs. girl. Jesus C. Alday, 3310 E. Missouri Hotel Dieu: Mr.

and Mrs. Ying Yu Wong, 619 S. Oregon twin boys; Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Zaragosa Juarez, girl; Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Lopez, 401 Cadwallader Drive, girl. Providence Memorial: Mr. and Mrs. George Nieves, 4627 Alameda boy; Mr.

and Mrs. Peter Drypolcher, 2720 Copper Apodaca, 810 boy; Mundy Mr. Drive, and Mrs. boy. Mrs.

Lily B. Kendrick, 47, 3214 Kilkenny, died Tuesday. Resident of El Paso 5 years. Survivors, husband, Maj. Charles Kendrick, 3 daughters, Barbara, Alyce Nancy Kendrick, all of El Paso.

Mother, Mrs. Mary Belford, brother, Richard Belford, both of Pittsfield, Mass. Mrs. Kendrick will be sent to Pittsfield, Mass. for burial.

Direction of Kaster Maxon Downtown Chapel. Yandell Dr. 532-3431 KELLETT Funeral services for Mrs. Bessie May Kellett, 912 N. Lee who passed away Monday will be held at 9 a.m.

Thursday in the HardingOrr McDaniel Montana Ave. Chapel, Rev. H. Eugene Myrick officiating. Interment will be in Restlawn.

Arrangements by Harding-Orr McDaniel Montana Ave. 320 Montana Ave. 533-1646 MOWRY Patrick Wayne Mowry, 48, 1515 Circle Dr. passed away Wednesday, restdent of El Paso 9 months. Retired Major, U.S.

Army. Veteran WWII and Korean War. Survivors: Wife, Mrs. Margaret Mowry; daughter, Eleanor, El Paso; father Adrian Mowry; brothers, Eugene and Clarence; sisters, Mrs. John Mosier, Mrs.

Bill Shimmick, all of Kansas. Funeral arrangements pending with Kaster Maxon, Downtown Chapel. 201 E. Yandell Dr. 532-3431 ONTIVEROS Funeral mass for Iginio Ontiveros, who passed away Sunday, will be held at 9:30 Thursday, Biggs Air Force Chapel, Father Halloran officiating.

Burial in Ft. Bliss National Cemetery with full military honors. 4848 Alps Dr. 751-1287 PEAVY Mr. Edward A.

Peavy, 148 Library Place, Princeton, New Jersey died on August 27th at the age of 80. Mr. Peavy was born in Cuero, Texas. For over 30 years he was with the Income Tax Department of the Federal Government, and at the time of his retirement in 1953 he was Agent In Charge of the Southwestern Division with headquarters in Dallas, Texas. He is survived by his wife, Mrs.

Juel B. Peavy; his daughter, Mrs. John H. Meyer, and his granddaughter, Miss Joan Meyer of Princeton, N.J. He also has two sisters and a brother still living in Texas.

Funeral services were held at The Kimble Funeral Home in Princeton, and at Evergreen Cemetery in El Paso, Texas. PHILLIPS Mrs. Cynthia Elizabeth Phillips, 96 of 38 Half Moon Dr. died Tuesday. She moved to EI Paso in 1919 from Oklahoma.

She moved to Los Angeles in 1922 and returned to El Paso in 1950. She was the oldest member of the First Christian church, oldest member of El Paso WCTU, Honorary Charter member of the Grandmother's Club of Los Angeles, Past member of the Order of the Eastern Star and Rebecca. Survivors, son, T. F. Smith of El Paso, daughter, Mrs.

Clara Miles of Glen Rose, Texas, 8 grandchildren, including Mrs. Tom Bingham of Tularosa, N.M. Mrs. Ralph M. Moore, of Los Angeles, and Mrs.

Jowell Peden, of Dallas, Texas. 12 great-grandchildren, including Edward Pfingsten, of EI Pa so and 17 great-great-grandchildren. Arrangements pending with Kaster Maxon Downtown Chapel. 201 E. Yandell Dr.

532-3431 SCHOEN George F. Schoen, 36, of 235 Orndorff Dr. died Tuesday. Resident of El Paso 9 years, he was employed by the Standard Oil of Texas, A Korean War Veteran. vived by 1 daughter, Diane Schoen, 1 son, George Fred Schoen, both of El Paso.

Mother, Mrs. Catherine T. Schoen, Queens, New York, 2 brothers, Fred E. Shoen, El Paso, Joseph Schoen, Queens, New York. 3 sisters, Mrs.

Margaret Perreetta, Syracuse, N.Y., Mrs. Mary F. Flagert, Queens, N.Y., Mrs. Catherine Deffenbacher, Long Island, N.Y. His remains will be sent to Queens, N.

Y. for burial. Local arrangements by Martin. 3839 Montana Ave. 566-3355 SOLIS Mrs.

Genoveva B. Solis, 76, 3707 E. Yandell, passed away Tuesday. She had been a life-long resident of El Paso County, having been born at Ysleta. She was the widow of the late Joaquin S.

Solis. Survivors: daughter, Mrs. Philip R. Segal; sons, Sam B. Solis, William B.

Solis, all of El Paso; Joaquin B. Solis, Los Angeles; sisters, Mrs. F. B. Loya, Mrs.

J. B. Lawrence, both of El Paso; brother, C. A. Benavides, San Gabriel, 14 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren.

Rosary services were held at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Harding-Orr McDaniel Montana Ave. Chapel. Funeral Mass will be said at 10 a.m. Thursday at Guardian Angel Catholic Church, Rev.

Fr. A. Nebreda officiating. Interment will be in Evergreen cemetery. Arrangements Harding-Orr McDaniel Montana Ave.

320 Montana Ave. 533-1646 SOKOLOWSKI Rosary services for Walter John Sokolowski, who passed away Sunday will be held Thursday 8 p.m. Kaster Maxon Restlawn Chapel. Funeral mass will be said 10 a.m. Friday St.

Michael's Chapel No. 2. Fr. John A. McNulty officiating.

Burial in Ft. Bliss National Cemetery with full military honors. 4848 Alps Dr. 751-1287 SPARKS Mrs. Leora Belle Sparks, 80, Las Cruces, New Mexico, passed away in El Paso Tuesday.

She was a long time resident of Las Cruces and the widow of the late Lee Vernon Sparks, owner of the Community Flour Mill from 1918 to 1933 when he retired to his farm. She was a member of the First Baptist Church and The Farm Bureau of Dona Ana County. Survivors: daughters, Mrs. John Hoskins, Mrs. Walter Bamert, both of Las Cruces; 3 grandchildren; 6 great grandchildren; A son, Maj.

Charles Russell Sparks, passed away on Bataan, Philippine Islands in 1942. Mrs. Sparks will be taken to the Graham Mortuary in Las Cruces, Wednesday. Arrangements by Harding-Orr McDaniel Montana Ave. 320 Montana Ave.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.